Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

e _ 43 r e. 1 4. ters ofakingdom or ilate,then for onealone to gouern a great fhip,without thehelpe ofother Sailers or officers. Dauidpro- feffeth ofhiinfelfe,that he was wifer then hisenemies, then his teachers,then the ancient,andyet he fought out the mo(l pru- dent men inall Ifraellas Hufhai, andAchitophell, &c. to helpe himwithdiretion.Who euer,but Chrift,finceAdamsfall,could fay that hewas as wife as Salomon? who hopeth tobe fo wife? Who canbe fowife,vntill the endoftheworld?and yet he made choife ofa counfell to confult with,& to confirme himfelfe,and his people by. Secondly,it is a mercy ofGod to aprince & people, to glue themmany ties to fee with, many cares to heare with, many tongues to fpeakwith,manyminds tobe in continual! exercife for the benefit,fafety and preferuation ofthe whole(late. Thirdly,it is one ofhis great iudgements,either to take away counfellorsfromanation,or to take away wifedome from the counfellours. This was threatned to Ierufalem and Iudah by I1ai, r. Ifaiah ,that the Lord ofhoaPts woulddepriue them oftheirftay 3' and flrength,thepiliers oftheir country, and the props of their liues,and thole werenot only bread and drinke,and Warriours, and Iudges, but Prophets alfo,and the prudent, and the aged, and.the counfellors,that fo theymight be eafily caft downe,yea ruinatedandbrought to dui}oftheir own accord.Andconcer- ningthe otherbranch,that it should notbe taken fr6 an ordina- ry andgentle corre&ion to his faithful! children,but a rare and feuerepunifhm& to his diffembling enemies,he doth aggrauate it in another place,and fetiit forth in fuch mailer as might make it moll fearefull to vs . Behold, faith he, Iwill doe a maruellou.c worke in thispeople,ettena .maruellous worke,anda wonder : for the wifedomoftheirwife menfhalperifh,and the vnderftanding oftheir behid.Ifa.29.14. InflruCtionthat the care ofour felues,the regard ofour friends the loue to our neighbours, our duety to Princeand Country, rfe.1- fhould flirre vs vp to call vponGod,that as hebath counfel and wifedome,and is wifedome andvnderflanding,fohewould (lore vs withable and learnedMiniflers for theChurch,andwifeand prudent Rates-men for the Common-weak : and that they G 2 which