Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

44 RÓVERBS..- C ap.II which are foqualified,tnay haue their imploymét,& they which are fo imploied,may fhew themfelues faithful,& they whichare faithful,may alfobe profperous.And fo a lay ma maybe a profi- table Church man,and fo a private perfonmay do good feruice to theKing andall his dominions. Reproofeoffuck as trufl to themfclues,and their ownewife.. dome, and thinke they Rand in neede ofnone for their foules, they knowas much as all the preachers can tell: for their beha- uiour,when to fpeake, and whento bee flent,what to fay, and what to conceale;for a&ions tobeperformed,orforborne,they haue as much judgement as any man:for their Bate how to ma- nage their affaires,andwhat courfe to take fortheir gaine, and commodity,they will learne ofnone ofthem all,&c.And this is a fault the more to be reprehended,when they contemptuoufly reieél counfel which theymayheare,whé they defpife the coun- fell ofGodwhich is offeredunto them,whenlikePh.Rrao,&A- chab,theymake choife offuch as fball illude anddeceiue them. For that is veryvfuall and common withmanypurpofely to af- fociate themfelues,and harken to fuch as will quell in them the feareofall Gods admonitions,rebukes,& threatnings,andgiue them incouragement toany idolatry,fuperflition,impiety,wan- tonne%,vnthriftines,worldlines,and all fuch euils as their harts are moll affehed vnto. But moll ofall is their finnenotorious, which do not only refute counfell themfelues, but withand de- fire that therewere no counfellors to others,efpecially fuch as might inform them in the wayofGod to bring them to faluati- on.They complains ofthenumber ofpreachers,one is fufficient for a 'whole country; they exclaime of the frequency ofprea- ching,one fermon is enough forhalfe a yeare. Andofthis fort thebloudy traìterous Papifls are offendours in a high degree. They doe not onelywith fewer counfellours,and lelfer [lore of preaching,but leekby violence to effe& it,as their pra&fifes de- clare.They would in a momenthauedeílroied the King,andall his Cleargy, all his priuy Councell, all his Iudges and Coun- felllearned in the Lawes,all the great Counfell ofNobility,and Commons affembled in Parliament:and afterwardsal thegod- lyMiniflers,and Chriflians throughout the wholekingdome. Arc