u6.r.s. fois. I 46 pROVERBS. Chop.l t fafe and lure in this behalfe.Prouidedyet,that we take not other courfes that be coufen- germanes to it,& as dangerous & hurt_ full as that is:as negligentlywithout all care and regard to run into debts and arrerages,or ventrouflywithout due confederati- onofmens faithfulneffe,andability, to lend foorth our mony, wares,or cattell,andfo to put our Rate into thc hands offtran.. gers. Anth füretyBothfeldore liue inpeace-without troubleand tnifery._Such a one, as though croffes were too -few, and too f1ow,doth increafe and haften theta to hirnfelfe. He giueth his hand tohis neighbour to put ftrength and weapons into his neighbours hands,to his ownewoe and vexation. Hereofhath Salomon fpoken already in the fixt chapter:My fonne,ifthou bee furetyfor thy neighbour,andhatf ft ricken hand with the(granger, thouartfnaredwith the words of thy mouth : thou art euen taken with thewords of thineowne mouth. Before a mandoth volunta- rily infnarc himfelfe,he is like abird that hath thc libertyofthe whole ayre,to fliewhether the will at her plcafure, but after he hathboundhimfelfbypromife and couenant,he is like a bird in anet,and in the fowlers hand,that maybe killed,or caged,or gi- uen to children toplaywith,or otherwife dealt with,according to the fowlers will,and yet thepoore bird, is either furprifed in her owneplace, or allured by hope offoode to the bayte, not knowing that the is in anyperill,wheras the furety dothwilful> Iy.caft himfelfe into danger,being forewarned ofthe euent,that would follow andhath no baiteof any gaine,or benefit laid for him. Firff,hecannot but flue in great feare and diftraaionofmind leaft the party for whomhe hath vndertaken,íhould either faile offidclity,andpurpofcly. caft his debt vpon him, or elfe fhould cometoo fhort of 'ability,& prooue vnfufficient to difchargç it himfelfe.So ifanotherbe inwant,thenmuff hebe in wo:Ifano- ther bevnthrifty,thenhemutt be vnhappy : ifanother be faife, then he muflneeds be brought to afall. Secondly,God dothoften by aprouidence whet thehearts of creditors,and fharpen themagainft fureticswhich fal into their hands. Andthat we fhouldnot deceiue.our felues in this cafe, with