Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

with expectationoffauor,he telleth vs what is tobe looked for; ifwe grow toobold and hardy. Bee not thou ofthem that touch the hand,nor among them that arefuretyfordebts. Ifthouhaft no- thing topay,rwhyfhouldhe take thy bedfrom vnder thee?Pro.22.27. Now this whyfhold,is fet downby wayofthreatning,according as it is alto in Come other places oficriptures,as whenAmaziah faid to the Prophet, haue they made thee the Kings counfellour?'sChro: ceafe thou:whyfhould theyfinite thee ? And-as he giueth a caueat for euery one to take heedofentring into furetifhip,or elfe not to thinke it ftrange ifthey feele'the frnart of it fo he granteth a warrant to creditors,to deale roúndlyWithrafh fureties,&not to be too fparing ofthem.rakehvsgai*Ft;faith he,thmt itfaray:. for atranger,andapledgeofhimfár theftranger. Thirdly,themifery whichhe draweth vpon himfelfe, 'when theburdenofpaiment,and forfeiture (hall light vpon his back, 3 will pearcehis hart withbitter griefe and forrow,when his eyes Thal behold the fpoileOfhis goodswhich either he=ha;thgotten with labour and trauáile,or his friends' haúegiuenhim in loue and kindnes,or his wife hathbrought him inhope & expedati- on:when his Bares (hall heare the cry of his family andpeople that arefrighted with terrors,and bittenwith hunger,& flaruen with cold,atld pinchedwith al kinds ofwant andpenuryWhen his bones and whole bodyshall be reflrained from his hoofe& houfhold,fromvocation and calling,from friends, from recrea- tions andcomforts,from liberty and freedome, and clapt vp in a clofe and loathfome prifon. Reproofe ofthem that thinke it neither finfull against God pre. nor hurtful! to then,felues,but a point ofgood fellowfhippe to yeeld to anymans requef+ in fuch a matter. They take it tb'be the eafief+way to gratifiea friend,& leaflpainful and chargeable to glue their word for him,yea andbloud alfo,if theybe therto required,as though the charges flood onely inbellowing their breath,and their paines,inputting their hand& fealeto the ob- ligation.And who are moilförward this way, but fuch-as haùe leaf+ care toperforme their promife ? Andwhoinedoe they fo readilyvndertake for,as thofe that be fhifters,&moll vnable to keepe touchwith their creditors ? And asst falleth out in bor- rowing;