Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Ver e. I ERB S. Verle i 6. 11 graciomr woman maintainetl' herhonour, ao iiTong ten ktepe riches, Which is indued with the feare cfGod,and A Gr4ciotuwomV) theheauenly gifts of the holy Ghof}, dabmaintain, that is Bothboth get and hold a reuerend ellimation and ctedit,as flrong menbeofability to obtainswealth,and riches, and to defend that which they have. They which haue grace/hall neuerwant honour, howmeane andweake foeuer they be. Euén women which arc ofthe weaker fese, euen poorewo- menwhichneither haue parentage, nor beauty , nor richapparell to fet them forth,are yet rekoned amongthefe honourable per- fonages if they haue vertue : for it is affirmedofeuery one,with- out exception ofany. S. Peter íheweth that there is no wifenor woman ofpure conuerfation , whofe heart is vncorrupt wst ha meeke andquietfpirit , but !hoe is much fet by of God , and become Sarahs daughter. 1.P et,3, 2,4,6. And if the Lord fo well like ofali holy women,he loth as much take pleafïire in all holy men : if he bee more delighted with their piety and lowlinetfe, then with gold andiìluer,with pearles,andprecious hones, and all c6fllyapparel; then he will more elleeme alfoofthe faith and loue,andothergra- ces of these, then of lands,and linings and titles , andall manner ofdignities.If they be transplanted intoSarahskindred, and haue her for their mother : then thefe are incorporated intoAbra. hangs flocke,and hauehim for their father. Firff, they haue the confiant spirit of God conf}antlyrefling Reafo vpon them , andthat is a fpir:t ofglary, as Saint Peter tefiifteth, i .Peter.4.I4. As therefore that canneitherbe kept away, because Godshanddoth bellow iit:norany pluck it away, becaufeGods hand doth prcferue it :no morecan any flay them from receiuing pralle and commendation , nor weft it way from them, when they haue it. Secondly , as the excellency of Chriflians doth not confill in bodilypompe,but in fpirituall graces , andbehauiour : fo it is not fomuch apprehendedwith mens des ,as with their hearts : their confciences