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5o ROVERBS. Chap.Ii confciences wil praiCe them , when their tongues reuil.e them , as the Al,oflle laitlm : we approue our[does seeuery mans coJfcienceip, the fight of GeJ . Elc wouldnot appcale to their lippes before men, but to their Coules before the Lord, and then he was Cure they would iufÈihe him,though in fpeech many would condemn hin,. Now if it be fo , a womans grace wil as wel fhinc to their hearts, as a mans : a poore bodies as wel as rich folkes : fo long as they rernaine godly,aCwell as when they began to be godly, and more at the latl then at the firf,becaufe their light groweth daily grea- ter,and brighter. Thirdly, it is t: ue honour to haue the loue and liking of-God and good men for vnfained godlrnetfe andgoodneife : and this belongeth to all the faithfull though neuer fo meane and feeble. Theywill hold fafl the leave olCiod in their hearts,that none can bercaue them of it : they will diligently doe thewill ofGod in their liucs,that none canhinder them fiom it , and then who (hall forbidGod to Thew them the light ofhis countenance? and who f11al alienate the hearts ofGods people from wifhing themwet with kind andhearty affcaion? Reproofe of many finful women which fecke not honour by verrue, but vanity , not bygrace, but garnifhes. And that they maintaine with might andmaine, with heart andhand,with teeth and tongue, and all themeanes which maybedeuifed. his as eafie to take a purfe of gold from a (bong armed fouldier,as to pert-Wade them to leaue their pride & idlenelle,and other wicked wales which they vfually walke in. But betides theke, theme are other men and women to be repre- hended, which are as vncon[lant in any good courfe,as thefe are obC#inate inenil . They [lane corred into the way of godlines with good commendation in the beginning, andkaue off therace in therniddefl,and runneto fnfulne(fe with the world in the latter end, They cowardly futfer themfelues to be ouercome , and rifled , and robbedof their honour : their crowne is taken from them,theirglory is turned into fbaicand reproach . What cau- feth them to renounce that goodnes, which before they (coned toimbrace ?toforfake the fellowfhip ofChriflianswith whom theywerewont toconnerde ? to neglea the duties ofpiety which they