er e. RO ERB theywerewont toexercife ? togiueour the care of their families which they were wont to Maruc`l ? Euen this that they would not be deipifed andbrought to contempt : they wouldnot be mocked and ieaed at for precifeneife, theywould not loofe their credit, and good account. But is honour preferucd by calling of grace? will this be a meanes to make them glorious, tofhake offvertue, and thew themfelues vicious ? They utterly deceiue themfclucs, forour text faith that they mull begracious perlons which (hall be able tomaintains andkcepe theirhonour. Confolation for Poore maligned and moleGed Chriflians, whole weakneffe the power of the ww ickcd feekcs to play vpon: and whofe meanes the pompous proud worldlings haue in dc- rilon , and firiue allo to make contemptible to all others . The higheil firmer in the world is vnable to hurt the lower' Saint , or themot} gloriousamong them, tofhatnethe moilfeebleamong there. It is as poflible for a young child by force to wring the weapons out of a giants hand, or take his mony out ofhis be. fome,or to draw his heart bloud out ofhis body, as it is to flrippe any oi,egoodman of his reuerent eflimation. And what meane they then ro furtnice that a few of them, and fuck as be indif- grace with God , and all prudent men can bring downe,andcart to the ground the whofe Churchof Goa ? Let than know that euery woman ofChrift his army, is too hard for anyman,for all men, yea and for all the fiends that are in Sathanscampe : Euery child may biddefiance tohim, andhiswhole hot} of perfecutors, God is our defence , and therefore they cannot overthrow vs: God is our glorie,and accounted-) vs for glorious, and therefore they cannot fhame vs. In Ifaiah this is oftenpreifed , Fears thou trot, lamwith thee, bee not afraid, for I am thy God : I willftrengthen thee,and helps thee, andwillfiigaine thee with the right bandof my íuflice . Behold allthey that proud a thee, (hall bee a(harz edand con. founded : and they that (lriue with t bee (hall perr(h . Feare not thou worme laceb, and yeemen ofIfrael: 1 will helpe thee, faith the Lord, and thy redeemer , the holy one of Ifrael . Thou wail preciou in my fight,andthou waft honourableandHomed the, çc. Ifa.41.1 0.1 1.14. and 43.4. z. For men that are truly gracious andyet timorous, and full H 2 of