Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

52 ROVERB S. C ófdread,leaflfathan fhould take aduantage by their imbecility, and want ofcourage,and learning to draw them to apaftofie,a»d back-fliding. Confider that he can keepe back none from obtai- ning honour whofoeuer either man or woman doth foundly endeuour tobe godly, doth take a Pure and infallible way to bee wel thought ofnoneeuer failed,or was difappointed ofthat fuc- ce%.Remember alfo that whenGodhath once giuen it,the diuel can neuer take it away from any, but it reinaineth to their liues end,and to the worlds end,and worldwithout end : then be well affured that is vnable to depriue vs ofgrace, andcon({ant faith-. fulnes:for that is thefpring from whence the other floweth : that is the bodyofthe light,and the other but thebeanies whichpro- ceed fromthe brightneífe ofit. Verfe 17. Hethat is a merciful! man rewardeth his ownefoule: but he that is cruel! troubleth his ozoneflefh. Y a mercifullman,is ment fuch a one,as witha tender andpi- heart dothgood both to the bodies and foules ofinen according to their need, andhis owne ability . And freely alfo remitteth wrongs, & paffethby offences without reuengement. Where it is faid that he rewardethhis ownefoule,the fence is,that hee procureth to himfelfe both foule andbody a reward from God,and that as certaine,as large,and continual,as ifthe fulneífe ofpower were in his owne hand, to bellow vpon himfelfe as much happineffe for as long time as his heart could pof iblie deliire. 73ut he that is cruell)Which either in violence or rigor vfcth to offer men hard ineafure,orfliuttethvp his compafhon from them that'are in afflió}ion,that he will no way relieue or feeke to corn- fort,troubleth his owneflefh, that is , hurtethhis owne body,and in like manner his foule alfo. Euery mans dealing with others (hall rebound to himfelfe, whether it be in cruelty,or kindnes . Mercifull men (hall receiue mercy fromGods owne hand,and from their brethren whom he will flirrevp to fhew loue and fauourvnto them:and thofe which are fierce and boif}erou-s to others,flial not faile to be recoinpen- ced