ÿerfe.17. R V ced in time : theLord willbe as feuere as they are cruell,ançl as flri61 in iuftice to them, as theyarc rigorous inextremity to o- thers And this fhall not alwaies be referued to the lafl day,or to their death,or to the torméts in theworld to come,but fpoi- lers be many times fpoilcd in this life, oppreffors be oppreffed, and tyrants be ouerthrowncby tyranny.And therefore our Sa- uior giuethanadmoniti6, that theywhich would not be iudg- ed,fhouldnot iudge : they whichwould not bee condemned, fhouldnot condemn: they whichwouldbe forgiuen,fhould be ready to forgiue : they which would haue giuen vnto them, fhould giuevnto others . For with what meafitreyee mete , faith he, /hallmenmeafure toyouagaine : Luk. 6.37.38. To fpare to fjcake offuck arguments as may be gathered from the eflate,& name of merciful! men and the contrary,becaufe they follow hereafter in this chapt'er,and we wouldnot foreí}all our felues, we will hold our felues to the words as they are literally fet downe in the text, and make it appearethat euery mans owne foule receiueth mofl good by the goodneffewhichhee exerci- feth towards others. Firfl,it is a forcible meares for grace to be increafed inhim,& Reafoss Gods ordinances to be bleffed to him. Hee heareth the wordof Goddelightfully,and it worketh effe&ually inhim. Nopeople were more ready to diftribute to the reliefe of,their brethren, then the pooreChurches ofMacedonia,& Paulhad neuer grea- ter effect and comfort of his minif cry then in the Macedonian Churches . So doe theypraywithferuency andboldneßè,and goodhearts, Godheareth them with mercy and fauour.Dauid Pfalm 86 had incouragement to cal vpon Godfor the preferuation ofhis foule,w hëhe could truelyplead that hewas mercifull. Corneliw loft not his labor in praying,but found a comfortable & bleffed fuccefiéwhen the Angel could tell him , that his alines came vp A&s io. together withhis praiers in remembrance beforeGod. Secondly, it inaketh way for comfort in feares, temptations, and affli&ions:it inuiteth godly men to repairevino vs,it ma- keth them defirous to refrefhour hearts : it ítrengtheneth their hope in their fupplications toGod : it miniftreth arguments for pexfwafion to our felues Or ifthey fhould not come at vs,or H 3 hope