ROVE, ap.II hope fo wel of vs,ordeale fo well with vs , yet our owne confci. ences with the teflimonyofGods fpirit would fupport our foules ,jb 3 r ingreatefi extremity,as lobdid findby happy experience, 2 It is a treafure that is fafely laied vp in heauen for our glory, vvhereofmuchwill begiuen vs whenwe fbai be dilrolued, and goe toChrif} , but mofl ofall, whenwe fhal be reffored , and Chrifl cometo vs. At his glorious appearance,fhall they appeare in glory which haue beene pittifulto his members , and fruitful in mercy. They fhal (land at his right hand , and to them (hall he ch. 25',34. fay,Come yee 61efedofmy Father , inherit thekingdoms which P414 prepared foryen from the beginning of the world . But allgoeth croifewith carnali perfons . The Lord giucth them no grace by his word and other ordinances , but challengeth them for corn- s. ming into his houfewith bloody hands. As hebath Bopped his eares at the cry of the podre , fo he fhal cry hinifelfe andnot be ,2r,r3 heard.Mifery will miferably torment him , his house isnot a Cafe place for Chriflians to refort veto, Lions dennes feldome fit for Lambes to be in, whengood menbeprefenc, what can they fay to mittigate his feares , or to lefren his forrowes? Ifcthers be fi- lent, wil his owne conscience fpeake for him ? Nayofall , that and the lawof God will be moll forward, and forcible toaccule and condamne him . And then at his death hecommeth into the r6, cafeofthe rich man Ipoken of in the Golpel , that was tormen- ted with flames : at the refurrec`lion that fentence Ihail be pro- nounced vponhim, which was indited long agoe, Departfrom meyee cttrfed into erterla/ling fire, which itpreparedfor theditaell and his Angels,Math.25.4i.All this,vnleffehe repent, isvndoubted- ly belonging to him, l eides the continual) perdi of (roakes and judgements to light vpon his body , which euery moment may iu(lly be feared. Incouragement to goe cheerefullyabout theworks ofmercy, fince theyare fo profitable toour felues , Someof them feerne to be very chargeable, and cannot be performedwithoutexpenfes: yet we gaine more then we glue, we receiue more then we lay out,we doe good to other mens bodies, but make the bell match forour owne foules. Others feeme verypainefull and require both trauel andpatience, and many be altogether vnplcafant to our