Vol?. I 7. PROVERBS. 5. our nature:yet our wages Both counteruaile, andouerpoifeall our woike and labour: for we cannotput our bodies to fomuch toyle and trouble in any feruice of Chritlian loue, as we (hall obtaine to our hearts , delightful' pleafures with tell, andpeace,and ioy and gladneffe. Confolation to them that are fearcfull of themfelues, and 3 doubtfull of the (late oftheirfoules,thcy feele not themfelues to beleeue,they finde not thepearcing of godly furrow, and there- fore theycall into quef#ion their faith and repentance. But are they merciful! men ? Doe they beare a burthen with the afflicted membersofIefiisChrill ?Theydare not fay fodire1ly, but their owne hearts tell them that theywould mourne more w iththem, and do more for themif they were able . Their delires then and willingneffeexceed theirability, and whatfurer notecan therebe oftrue mercy? Retrardeth his otrsrefoule,trouóleth kisotwrsefefh,&c.) They are Dea. the bell husbands which bell prouide for thegoodoftheir owne perlons . To bee carriedwith carnal( felfe-loue is a vice which is worthy tobe condemned : to be lead with Chrillian louedories felfe,is a venuewhich is much tobe commended.The one draw- eth a man to wickedneffe,theother driueth him from it,to good - netTe:the one caufeth him co be hurtful! tòhis neighbours,the o- ther maketh himhclpefull vnto them: the one feruing himfelfe finfully,doth vtterly vndoe hirnfelfe,theother applyinghinlelfe to the feruice of God faithfully, doth procurehis owne bleffed- netfe for eater. When the Apoflle wouldbringan argument that fhould he perfwafiue and forcible,and moll likely topreuaile with rich men to workemercy and liberality in them, he chufeth this, That they (bould lay vp for them felaset a goadfoundation againfl the ',Tim.6,t9, time tocome,that they might obtaineeternal!ii fe. It were tonopur- pole to layvponly forchildren, for heires, executors,or adniini- flrators,though theywere lure to haue children,and frïends,and their children , and friends were lure to inioy their potfcßions: but to inrich thetrfelues, is truly to be rich; and ;to haueones wealthperfonally in himfelle, and for hin;felfe, andnot onlya. bout him,is to berich indeed. Firi,the current or firearm of all the promifes, and threat- Rea 0111.1 nings,