5'6 PROVERBS. C ap.I nings,runneth this way : the rewardof all obedience , and the punifhment ofall iniquity tendeth to this purpofe.Blefíings up- on goods and cattell,vpongrounds,andfruite trees,vpon chil- dren and familie , are but appendances to the fubflantiall bleffings which are conferred vpon foule and body, efpecial- lie for the eternal' (late of both . And fo when curies fall on the outward things of wicked men it is , that they mayga- therwaight by the way to preife the heauicr vpon their owne perlons. 2 Secondly, thoughone haue neuer fogreat plentyofearthly things,andabundance ofall kindeof profperity,yet ifhimfelfe benot his own,but defiru&iós,what treafurecan do him good? what cloth it profita man to win the wholeworld, ifhe lofe his own foule?Math.16.26. So,though one haue neuer fogreat penuryof earthly things,and abundance ofal kinde ofaffli&ions, yet ifhe preferuehis quicke fiock,that is,himfelfe from being afpoile to finneand Satan,no creature canhurt him, his mifery wil droppe offfrom him, his croffes and forrowes will vanishaway, and cometonothing. Infrruo`lion to be,diligent in all thofe meanes whereby we I maybefr benefit our felues, with cómodities ofgreatefl valew. As firer to labour for true pietie & religion : to be wel acquain- tedwithGod,andhis holyword:to receiue infiru&ioii, tohaue it ineflimation,to obey it in confiant exercife. Andhereofthe holy Ghofr fpeaketh in the ninthchapter, Ifthoubee wife, thou (halt be wife to thyfelf,and ifthou beafcorner,thoualone(haltfuf- fer. Secondly , that performance of the duties ofmercie is a gaineful trade for the fouleïto thriue by:it bringeth in good fiore ofcomforts for prefent vfe, and heipethmen toa flocke ofioye &happineffe for an other day. And therefore our Sauiour doth perfwadevs tovfe it,and giuethvs liberty to makeour vfeofit. Sell thatyee haue,faìthhe,andgiue almes;make toyourfelues bags whichwaxe not old,a treafure that can neuerfaile inheaué,where no theefesommeth,neither mouthcorrupteth: Lúk.12. 3 3.It is dan- gerous,andfnfull to hoord vpmuch gold, and tokeepe it too long;but fafe,and commendable toheape vpgood works ina- bundance,andneuer departwith themwhile theworldRandeth they