they (hall be fure to take no harme,andwç;(al1b.e lure, towant no good.-. , Reproofe ofthem that are frugali and thrifty, and neate, and husbandlyfor euery thing but for themfelues. Their earble is dunged,and tilled, and fowne: theirpafiures are mounded,ban- ked,and trenched :their trees arepruned,their gardens are wee- ded,their cattell are carefully looked vnto : and all this while they fuller their hearts tobeouerg,rownwith finnes,as the wild waft is withweeds and briars:there is no fence tokeep the Di uell out oftheir foules;they growlike nettles &brambles tobe cut vp, and call into the fire. Euery one oftheir horfes, euery fheepe, euery cow, euery (wine and pig is in better cafe then themfelues.They deale, as iftheyIhould trimme their haire,but wound their head:or be heedful' to their nailes,but let theirfin- gers rot off:or keepe their garments whole,but permit their skin to be rent,and torne intopeeces. Verfe i 8.Thewicked worketh sz deceitfallworke:but he thatfolly_ eth righteoufneffe,(hall receiueafure reward. Hewickedworketh adeceitfullworkZe)He is continually.prac- 1 tiling offome euill,which wil neuer faile,to make his expe- &ation to faile,Buthe thatfoweth righteoufnes, which confiant ly,and confcionably is eXercifed in doing good,íhall haue afure reward,partly in this life, with a competent meafure ofcomfor- table profperity,and perfe&ly in the life to come,with glorious immortality. The fenfe will be the better difcerned, ifrhe op- pofitionbe let downin this manner:The wicked workethade- ceitfull worke by fowingofiniquity,and therefore flail be de- ceiued in his reward:but the godlyworketha;faithfull workeby fowingofrighteoufneffe,and therefore (hall receiue afure re- ward. Vn.godly men (hallbe fure to find their fumes more dange- DiEt. rous and hurtfull then they looked, fqr. Their familiar friond whom.they,and,make fo inuchcöf, which is iriofi in their mouthes, in their hearts, and in all their wayes, it will furely thew them a flipperytricke atthe lafi. Saint Paul can fay z aS