4-s much to this point,as any nxan,by the experiencehehadofit, Fewhad neerer acquaintance with it.then he at thebeginning;, and-nonehad a greater breach with it-ìn the end then he. And then he keepeth no.counfell,but telleth all that he found ( and God auerreth all-t-at he telleth)thatfbinchad deceiuedhim, and: line him. Firf},.itputteth em in vainehope toeffe&manyexploytes aa.tr. :. which they can neúer bring to pa%,but al their endeuors recoil vpon themfelues. Howmany fonts -didSaul cart vp tobrayne- Dauid?which all.lightedon his ovine pate.How finall'a matter didHaman thinkeit to kill Mordecai? yea to deflroy all the Icw s?which fell on-his ownc perfon,withhis family, and other friends :How ihre were traytcrousPapifts, and vndoubtedly af- furedto blowvp the Parliament,and all cf}ates ofthekingdom? amd yet of themfcluesdiuerswere blownvp to thegallowes,and all the ref},vale% theyrepeiit,ate.likely to be blown downe to hell.. . Secondly, they dreamt ofagreater felicity and happines in their finfull courfes, than euer they can attaine vnto. When _Abimelech was afpiring to the kingdome, whenhe was perfwa ding the Sichewites, whenhe was murdering his brethren,and makingthemout ofthe way,what did he once thinke of; but of: cap,andknee,ofhonor,peace,and fafety?He hadconcluded that, there would benomo1eíationand trouble, no breach ofcouc pant and difloyalty, at lean no peril! oflifc, efpecially by the hand ofa woma-n:that all his authority- should be brought to- fuch anebbe,as only to hauepowerremainingto command his- page to runne him throughwithhis fword.The firand pafl'ion of diI emperthàt Achab fell into when Naboth denycd him his viheyard,declareth euidently how happya man he made recko- ning tobe when-'hefhould get- it.And-yet -t-he occurrentswhich fell out at his takingofpoffeffion,ouerturned all his happineffe. He intrudedhimfelfethereintowith iolity and mirth,butElijah fnt-him out againewithheauineffe and griefe. Theyprefuine-affecrefie,that their ihamefu1l fa&s Thal behid- dén;and neuerbroughtto light,wheras they cannot poffibly be co-ncgakd, For Godhihzfclfc. doth.. fee and obferue them, and vvha.