Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rep e. PROVERBS. 9 who fhallforbid himto reueileand difcouer them ? Adamwas away when Cain flew his brother, and Euewas not there, and Abel was made lure enough for complaining, and Caine him- felfewas filent enoughfrom boaftingofit,and nobody elfe was in the fields,either to fee Caine firikiag,or to heare Abelcrying, andyet out it came,andknown it is,and euery man can fpeake of it.Gehefi made not all the townofhis counfel whë he follow- :edNaaman for the mony, he askednot his mafler leaue togoe after him,nor made report ofhis dealing,and fucceffe afterwards andyet Elifha could tell him,and hath declared to vs, and all o- thers whither he went,and howhe fped,and what his intent was in the difpofingofhis mony,namely,to buy oliues,&Vineyards and ílieep,and oxen,and men-feruants,and maid-feruants,and to become a great man. What fhould we fpeake ofthe plotting of Ananiah and Sapphira,& ofDazsidsadultcry,and tnurder,which were fo clofelycontriued as they imagined, that ncucr:any man fhould haue had intelligence of them? FourthIy,theyhaue taken fecurity for impunity. Either they 'hope to,efcape all punifhment,or elfe that it will be fo light that theymay cafily beare it,or fo fhort that they (hall quickly paffe through it. Whereas the Law ofGod threatneth thecontrary, That, the Lord will make their plagues wonderfull, euen greate Deut.B.y'g plagues,and oflong continuance,and fore difeafes oflongdurance. And ifthey'will appeale from threat.nings topromifes, from the Law to theGofpel,fromMofes,to Chrifl,let themheare the fen- tence that Chrifl pafl^eth vpon fuchmanner ofperfons:Theyfball goe intohell,into thefire that neuer(hallbe quenched. Where their worme diethnot,and thefireneuergoeth out. Fiftly,they haue conditioned-and indentedwvith finne,bcfore they entred into the groffe pra6tife ofit, that they would kaue it againe after a:time, and fo by repentance preuent both the frame andpunifhment. But they knownct that all finfulncffe is crafty,aud-cruelI: when it bath them, it will hold them, and that fall by theheart,andkeep them inperpetuall bondage and thral- dome. They maywith as good fafetydrinke vp firong-payroll, and prescribe it a ineafurehow farre it (hallwork:or cal3c themfèlues 12 into