6o ROVERBS. C `tbti into the raging feawith limitation how deep they will fink,and how long they will make their flay there. All the feruants offn and fatanare chainedvp inprifon andnot at liberty to depart at their owne wils:for the will it felfe is kept in hold,and neuer re- leafed,before the Lord with aforciblehand of grace do deliuer it. .I. Intlruetion,not to fuffer our felues tobe abufed by fuch a cou- ..feningcompanion. If a (hiller fhould carry about,apacke of :counterfeit wares,itwere a point ofwifedome to refufe to buie ofhim,efpecially iftheywere infeIious, and fuch as would in- :danger our houfes with the peflilence. Now there is not vntler ,heauen any Conicatcher that liueth fo much byhis 'wit,as finne and wickednes dothbywies:which doth not defraudmen of -their mony,but oftheir faluation ; which bringeth not plaguy fluffe tokill the bodyonly,but moil pernitious corruptions to defiroy both foule and body for euer. And fish the works ofiniquity be allbdeceïtfulllét vshear- ken to the words ofGod,andthe cou nI'elí'e,fg6ellyí ien,which wefhallbe Pure to find very faithfull.: t the perfwafon ofSatan feemedmoreplaufble toEue,than did the commandementof theLord;but the hadefcaped the venoms andpoifon ofSatans perfwafion,ifthe would haue giuen heedto theLords comman- dement. The, noteofwilfull vnchail.perfons in their mifery,wil be the fong.òfallo:therfinners that'refufe,toreceiueadronition :How haue:Ihated inflrufian,andmine hartdefpifedcor.reition:andhaue bu. f.ts.X3. notobeied the :voiceofthemthat taught me;nor inclinedmine eofre to them that inflruEtedme:within a littlefpace-I. am in alleuillin themid f l ; o f the congregationandafemby. : Reproofeofthern'that vndertakethe defenceoffübtill time: that offer thetnfelues tobecompurgatours forher;iffhe fay that the is hoñefl and vpright,.theywill fweare, they thinke it true. What euill is'there ofIdolatry,fuperflition,fwearing Sabbath- r breaking,cru:eltv;wantonnes;yeaabomina lewhoredom;pride and riot,but it shall haue proátors topleade for it,& giue coun- tenance to it?And: tro#1commonly they are the men,that ofall others eueryway for fouleand body, for fubflance and credit, haue