yerfe.t8. PROVERBS. 61 hastebeen moil plaguedby her.Her craftines hath fo inchantcd them,that byher vfage fhe hath gotta their harts for euer.Their wits,their tongues,thcir pennes,their pra&ife of life,& all (hall be altogether for her ag,ainít God & his word,againft all godly inen;againft all ciuill men, againft their ovvne eftimation and ftate,comfort and faluation, God is a Pure paiinafter to all that labor faithfully in his fer- Doc .z. uice.Though their ftrength be not. great, nor their worke very inuch,yet iftheir delires be found,and their endeuours vpright, their recompense will alfo be certaine. The Prophet 1Azariah ,knew'that hefpake afw.ell topofterity as to thofeof his owne age,aachS-truly to:Gods people is toKing Afia and his people: Bef mg,andlet not our handsbefaint:foryour workefhall hanc a reward. i.Chro.i Firft,the couenant is plaine andwithout al doubtfulnes,there is noequiuocation in it,there is no mentali referuation to per- Reafons uert the meaning of it. Secondly,the couenant maker is abfolutelyperfe&,and euery way all fufhci.ent. His wifedome forefeeth what things are fit to proinife:his truth doth bind him to do allthat is promifed : his mercy doth moue him to domore then he promifeth : and his power doth ferue him :to performe whatfoeuer his wifedome feeth nieet,his.truth hatevndertaken,or his mercywilleth unto his feruants. Infligation to fhew all diligence in doing good, and let no V e.Y. time flip awaywithoutfoine fruitful exercife.Ofnien fornehire their workfolks by theyeer,fome by thehalfe yeer,fome by the inoneth,foine by theweck,& forceby the day:but God giueth vs wages for euery minutes work,foreuery moments work,for euery gratious fpeech,for euery holy thought, for imployment in our beds,for patience in our iicknes,for good vfage ofrecrea tions:there is no feafon,no ftate,nor place,wherein a goodman maynot beweloccupied,for the increafeofhis wages.The faine reafondothS.Paul vfe to incite the Corinthians, and all other godlyChriflians,tobevery laborious and painefull in all good . feruices continnally,feeing there wil be a refurrec ion,and a re- tribution to euery manaccording to their wades. 'Therefore my 13 beloved