62 PROVERS. Chit?. r r. or.m58. belated brethren(faithhe)beyeftedfaflandvnmoueahle,aboundant alway in theworkeofthe Lord,forafinuchasyeknowthat;our.lahr is not invainein the Lord. Incouragement topatience,thoughwe fcem not tohauepre- lent pay for our obedience.Ourwages is in a lure hand,and will not faile to be yee[dedvnto vs when our need requireth it,ora- nyvfe maybe made ofit,forour bell aduantage. Our wages is better than ordinary;the whole crop that we low is giuen vs for ourlabour,and therefore let vs not bee toohaíiy to.reape it be fore4tbe ready.GoodFarmers indeed,pay theploughmen foo- ner then thecornets ripe,butcheaper then the-come isworth: whereas Godbefoweth freely vpon his laborers all that they haue fown,it is their own, and therefore let them tarry till har_ uet},and they (hall find their hire will farre furinount their tra uels.This is the ground ofthe Apof}les perfwafion to theGala-. 1.6.9. thians:Let vs not be wearyofwell doing :: for in duefeafon we(hall reape i fwefaint nod Vera i 9.SaFiglateoufnere leaded) to life andhe thatfolloweth euillfeekethhis ownedeath. TH's verle is inferred vpon the former,by wayofexplicatiö, to-fhewwAlat hee ment by the deceiueable workeofthe wicked,and the furewages ofthe righteous. And firf} he begin- nethwith the latteraccording to the manner ofthe Hebrewes, declaring that life,vnderf}anding thereby immortality and all theble%dues annexedvnto it,is that lure reward which al god- lymen mayvndoubtedly expo&: and detru&iion both offoule and body.eternally,is the end whereunto the dccnitful workwil bring wicked mcn, which do fo much deceiue thetnfelues by a greedy delre offatiffying their finfull The Lord pathnot only appointed a certaine reward,-but apre- cious for hisferuants.Nothing can beterbe-thë fuch a happy life and fuch a happy life as he deemethnothing too good for them to enioy.HereoftheApof}le fpeaketh to theRomans :Thewages of fanne is death,but thegrfs,ofGod is euerlafting life through Iefur Cbrfl,Rom.F.23. This