Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

jeer t. i9, _ RO; ÌE.RB S. . 3 This is-toLet förtl the bountyand fuperabundant munificence :4e1í, t ofGod the father,that the riches ofhis loue & goodnes maybe magnifiedaboue all creatures. Heputteth into the hearts and power offinfull men togiue gold and fluer, to giue.iewels and treafure,to giuelands and liuings,togiue titles anddignities,to giue crownes andkingdoms:but neither mennor Angels could euer giue life to any; or keep their owne bytheir owne power: theliuing Lord,and eternall Godaishe that maketh al-his Saints as well in heauen,as in earth to liue eternally. Secondly the Lord Iefus our Sauior bath byhis dying killed death;andbought life,and byhis refurrcion triumphed ouer death;and won life for euery one ofhis members:yeahehimfelf is the life ofhis peopl&whichbelecue inhim,who maketh them partakers,by an euerlafling communion withhim, of his owne life.Helaid it downe for them:andtook it vp againefor them, and imparts itvnto them : it is as . pofliblefor him toperifh, as theinand the whole Deity as him. Thirdly the feedofgrace wherebythe formes ofGod are re- 3 generate as an immortall feed, as S.Peter calleth it, and ofthe i.Pet;.3. natureofthe father that begetteth them,and therfore theymuff needs receiue life,and, and neuer depriued; ofit. Fourthly,without this life the childrenofGod were in no bet- ter cafe then other creatures...For either they fhouldbe fubieel to eternal death,which is the condition ofthe wicked reprobats, or elfe be extinél and aboliíhed with a finali diffolution, vyhich. is the flue ofvnreafbnablebeafts. Inilruaion to labor for righteoufneffe, andpretiouflÿ to ac- count of it,fince it procu.reth foprecious areward tovs,and that Je"' from the fauor and kindneffe of our gratious. God. Hee that flriuethcarnallyhereinmaytruly bePaid to worke for life.For life is propofed,and life he feeketh,and life he&hall find.Ifgreat wages were vncertain,or certainwages werebut finall,itwould be buta final incouragemétto take great paines;butfeeingnow it is fo fure,and fo. large,&.fogood,what is to much tobeper- formed,andwhat is toogrieuous to bee indured for the fame? e.will call for trau.ell, andraifevp trouble.: