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PROVERBS. er.4. Coyne andBate ofmy meate, anddrinke ofthe wins which 1 haue mixed. Reafon x. Fir[f, the Lord bath elertled, anddoth loue fuch no leile then others ofgreater gifts and learning , and thereforecau- fethhis word toyeeld as much verme to their foules. z. Secondly, the good which proceedeth from the word, is freely giuenof God , vnto thole towhom of his goodnetle hee doth vouchfafe it : It is the worke ofhis hands by his Spirit , now hee is not allured by naturall excellency, ney- ther doth bee (land in ncede of mans Art , or any other hu- mane helps. And this moued the Lord Iefus Chritl to that L01 10.2.I. reioycing and thankefulncile, laying; I confffc vnto thee Fa- ther , Lordof heauenandearth , that thon has hid thefe things frorn the wife and learned, andhail revealed them to Babes : even foFather, becanfe itfopleafed thee. 3 Thirdly,Wit,Arr,Policy,Sciences, and all manner oflear- ning, vnfandified, are commonly impediments to hinder the fuccclfe of the word, through the violence of felfe-li- king, the f:phifines of carnali reafon , and the iutl judge- ments of Godvpon high minds, rather than kipsvnto it. :,for. i.r9 .o. For it is written, Iwilldefiroy thewifedome ofthewife, andwill call away the vnderfandino of the prudent : Where is the wife? where is theScribe ? where is the dif'nter ofthis world? Yet thrfe qualities in the godly are laudable, 41)d prayfe- worthy, theyare profitable and helpful], they doe aflàfl the Minitlery and all goodintlrudtions , to make them effe u- all, and fruitful!. He that airaulteth a Citty or Cagle, fhail haue the ordnance and weapons , the flrength and muniti- on againtl him, vntill it befurprized, and taken, and then all will befor his aduantage : and lowill the indowrnents of the foule withtland the Spirit of God , vntill the heart be fubdued to the Lord , and afterwards be vfefull for it. Fourthly, theweakeneffe ofmens vndertlanding, doth much commend the power of Gods holy ordinances and grace, in working fuch an vnlikely transformation . And therefore Clodbath claofei thefoolifh things ofthis world tocon- fennd thewfe, and G 0D bath chofen the weave things ofthis world