Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

I 'i 4 trouble,but it is as true that al the trauels &aflicionsofthispre- fènt life,are not worthy oftheglory, which(hall he(hewedveto vs. n18 For our light afflillion which is butfor amoment caufeth -onto vs a. or.q,r7 farremolt excellent andan ;eternallweight ofglory. Ifnothingbut bare life werebellowed vpon vs euen meere dcliuerancc from thedanger ofdeath,it were a benefit not light- ly tobe efteeined.Itwas faid ofLot,that he was preferued from ,r9.16, deilruelion ofS.odome,theLordbeing mercifull vntohim; and yet his goods, money, andcattell which he had in great ábun- dance,were all deftroied.Andthe diuell fpake the truth though in craft and malice,concerning Iob:skinne`for skinne, andall that euer a manhathwill he giue forhis life.But when life is full ofliuely comforts,when it is adorned withendles glory,when it is inriched with infinite treafures, what croffes, what pouerty, what temptations,what reproaches,what perfecutions,aiid fuf- ferings fhould diminish our defire ófit, or make vs remiffe in feeking for it? 2 Reproofeofthem that carenot whofe feruice they coin into norwhatworke theydoe,fo that they'may haue nothing to do withGod andhis feruices. They thinkno prifon moreflreight, then theChurch: no drudgery more grieuous then prayer,and hearing offermons,finging of Pfalmes; and fan6lifyng ofthe Sabbath:no bondage fo burdenous as reftraint from finfull de- lights,and flefhlypieafures:nomifery fobitter as foundChri- flianity.. They diflaftewith great deteftation,, all perlons, and a&lions,and_geflures, and words that fauour ofgodlineífe, or haue any ílampe and print of piety in them : and as them- felucsabhorre all his worfhippe, fo they labour to difcourage all others fromdoing him any feruice. Thefe are they which are continually cenfuring of profeffours, and deriding their precifenes, and intuiting ouer their pouerty and meane.el}ate. As though the Lordwere not able to maintain them that ferùe hm, or elfe did grudge to bellow good things vpon them:as thoughhe werea niggardly hard mafter,vnwilling toallowhis people fufficiencyof foodand wages. That were agreat difloy- alty ío to traduce aliberall LordandfreeheartedPrince,who is- ready topromote his feruants:to liuing,though it bee but for time