Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

time:but it is an execrable impiety fo to blafpheme themoil bountiful! God,who giueth to euery one ofhis,bothliuingand life,andall bleífednes foreuermore. But many ofthem fay, that they fpeake by experience,themfelueshaue beenprofeffors,and as forward as the befl, and they neuer got anygood by it. And fuchMalachybringeth in quarrelling againfl God: Tour words, faithhe,haue been f out againfme,yetyee y, H: jo ; r cwe ¡po- ken againfi thee?TehalePaid it is invaine to ferue God:andwhat profit is it that we haste%epthis commandement,andwalkèd humby before theLord ofhoafs?Mal.3.1 3.14. Who is fo bufie to corn- plaine for want ofwages, as they which neuer performed any goodworke ? let not the exceptions ofmurmuring apoflataes prcuaile in the cares or hartsofany that hauevnderiláding.They were neuer ofthe familyof GOD, though they crept intohis houfe : they neuer did one good chart in obedience : andfor what then fhouid they haue their recompence ? They were al- waiesproudhypocrits though they boati ofhumility, andwhy íhould theybe vfedas humble perfons?But be it that theyplead for others who haue faithfullykept the cómandements ofGod, and truely been humbled in his fight, and yet labour in a low e- tiateand mcane condition. Is there no profit inferuing'ofthe Lord,vnles there beprefentpreferment and earthly promotion? Our principali paywill be in life,whereofwe haue part in hand by grace in our foules in this world,and the reti is behind vntill thepay day in theworld to com.So that a fanner cannot difcerne ofthe happineffe ofaChriflian,nor conceiue howGod dealeth with him. For the comfort ofthe heart is a thing vnknowne to him,and the glorious life is hid with Chrifi in God,and fhali not Cu1.3.3.4 fully be feen before we appeare withhim inglory. Buthe thatfolloweth )The more violent wicked men are in theirfinnes,the more neer they draw to detiruéiion.When they Do6.2. courfe cuill as the grayhounddoth the Hare, andhunt for it,as thehungry lion,or other wild beati dothafter his prey(for théce is the fimilitude taken)then theywill ouertake their deathanon, and corne fpeedily to damnation.As the miferyoftheAEgypti- ans approachedneere vnto them,fo their: cruelty increafed to- wards the Ifraelites.And theywereneuer !pore fiercely difpofed I to