.,i,,,1.110,1111,Wir_ to kill and to flay,thanwhen the waters were prefentlyto doe execution vpon them.Warrewas concluded without any great confultation;a mightyhoaft was gathered,without any bufines ofmuftering ; they were all in readines to fight, without any further training.So flood the cafe with the Sodomits,theywere all let on mifchiefe&niadries immediatly before they were de- froyed.An'd fo it fared with Achab,who Cooke his farewell to- wardhis Voyage.and death,with contempt ofthe wordofGod, andperfecution ofhis Prophet.And fo we might noteBelfhaz- zer,andHaman, and many others for this purpofe, whom the Lord cut Olin the verypraaife offorne notable mifchiefe. 'Tons. I. Firft,thisearnefl purfuit offinne, with loueand liking offin, proceedeth f onvan hart hardncd with cullome offinning, be- eI 419. ing pall retnorfe: and feeling,and this will bring men toworke all kindofwicb\ednefe erren with.reedineffe. And.this is aforerunner ofGods iudgements. 2 Secondly,this following of euill is all() accompanied with impudency,and íhamelefneffe : as their hearts cannot fearebe- fore God, fo their faces cannot blùíhbefore men. And what Rate thefe men (land in,theProphet Jeremy fheweth : were they m8.12. afhamedwhen they had committed abomination?nay they were not afhamed,neither could they haueanyfharne: therefore(hall theyfall among theflame:when I(hall vifit them theyThal be cat/. downfaith the-Lord. Thirdly, this manner offinningcrieth in the cares oftheLord as itis laide of the Sodomites, andprouoketh him to anger, and therefore will draw downe a fpeedy punifhment vppon them. Inflru&ion,ifwc loueour fclues,ourlife & faluation,that we e' I' fly from euill,and follow it not:for it will follow vs too fafl.We Ihall goe nowhither whiles we carry this finfull flefh about vs, but it will be at our heeles,yea in our hands,and heads, & harts, and whole foule andbody. Euen the bell may fay as Pauldid,I find that when Iwould doegood,euill isprefent with me. But much more is it prcfent when.we are not fowel ofed though indeed it be not then fo eafily defcried and therefore fince it will intrude it felfevponvs againl our willes, let notvs play