Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Yerfe.20, PROVER play the partsofthe wicked, to take fauns placeand become tempters ofour felues. Terror for theworkers ofiniquity,which bellow great pains to do themfelues great hurt,whichwil not be _(loppedfrom the feruice ofiïnne,and therefore cannot be flaied from thepunith- ment thereof.What do they elle butfall into fran tick paílionof defperatcperfons,whichPeek al opportunities to murther them felues?They make euery delight andpleatùreacord to flrangle themfelueswith:euerylu(l a knife to cut their own throtes:eue_ ry commodity a well to leape into :their meare and drinke to, be apoyfonto their foules,& hurtfull to their bodies byfurfetting anddrunkennes,and fuch like abufes. Verfe zo.They that are of froward heart are abham:nation to the Lord:but they that arevpright in their way,arehis delight. B Yframárd inheart,he meanethnot only fuchas are inclined coanger and bitterneffe,which are ofacrabbed,fohvre,and churlithdifpofition;but all that are wilful' inany finfull courfe, though with neuer fogreat mirth andlaughter.Yea many times exceflìuepleafure,and (porting, and merriment, with goodfel- lowfhip,as men account it,is the very fubie&oftheir froward- nes,& that which they fo ob(lïnately (land in.And though they pretend réafon for their domg,and feem fnoothly to defend it, without peruerfenes,yet the hart being fetled in refolution ofit ownepurpofe,the Lord taketh noticeofit,and thcrfore abhor- reth them for theprefent,and will make hisiudgcments to ma- "nifc(l his detcilation ofthernhereaftcr.But they that áre.vpright in their way and heart,(as the other are froward in heart and be- hauior)are greatly belouedofGod now,& (hall more fully fee, and feele,and enioy the comfort and happineffe ofhis fauor in time to come. Whofoeuer is giuen to frowardnes,iswhollyvoidofvpright Dolt,r, nes.A fncer.c heartedChriigian may through infirmity,fall into afit offrowardnes for a tinie,as'Afa did, when be call the Pro- pherinto prifon,for reproouing his finne:but to haue thehabite ofit tobe froward,is oppofédas contrary to being vpright.So K z were