Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

were the qualities one fet againft another in the thirdverfe of this chapter:?hevprightner of the iuf1(hall guide them : but the frowardnes ofthe tranfgrefforsfhalldeftroy them.So are the perfôs contrarily dealt with as contraries by the telRitnony ofDauid: With thevpright man thou wiltthew thyfelfe vprrght:with thepure thouwiltAm' thyfelfepure;and with thefroward thouwilt fet thy felfe to wretle.Pfal.18.25.26. Firft,thevpright inanhath a rcfpe& to all theCoinrnaundee ons. i, ments ofGod,with defire andendeuour to keep them,asDauid profeffeth ofhimfelfe.All hï, lawes were before me,and Ididnot call. away his commandements fromme.So was Ivpright withhim, and hauekept me frommy wicl`edneffe. Pfal. i 8.22.23. Wheras the frowardperfon Botheither reiect the whole law ofGod,or elfe retaineth,yea maintaineth at lcaft foine one finne wittingly,bc. caufe he mayknow,and willingly,becaufehe refufeth to obey, againf} fume one commandement. Secondly,they which arevpright, doe ground their anions andwaics vpon arguments and rcafons,and therfore they firiue to haue them as plaine and found as maybe:and they which are froward,doe ground their reafons and arguments vppon their wales and a&ions, & therfore they labor tohaue them as craf- tyand fubtill as may be Thirdly,theywhich are vpright will defire to haue the truth reueiled to them and yeeld to it when it appeareth,& loue them the better that shall informe them in it.And they whichare fro- wardwill defire tohaue the truth fuppreffed,& contend againft it though it be inanifeft,and like them the worfe that fhall {hew it vnto them. Inftruuion,not to glue toomuch credit to frowardmen,nor too largea teftimonyofthem. Ifwe fee that theywill not bee brought to a Chriftian conuerfatió without,we mayknow alfo that theyhaue anvnchriftian confcience within:for their hart is neuer better then theyare willing their waies fhouldbe. And why then { houldweefteem them tobemen ofplaine meaning, whenGodhimfelfe tellethvs,that there is no plaine meaning in them?Why shouldwe praife them whom he dothdifcommend? whyfhouldwe cleate themwhornhe we