Ver e.19. ' iuflifie them whom he condemneth?And yet it is a fault,though much againf}piety, that carrieth a great colour and gloffe of loue and charity. He is a very honefl man (fay they) but yet gi- ucn to gaming toomuch,noman candiffwade him from it. It is his only fault(faithanother)that he is a great fwearer, and can- not be broughtto leaue it.He is a right good man(faith a third) and euery way deferueth praife, fauing that he is nobody at Church:he cannot abide thofe fermons, and Preachers : fay all what theycan,he is hillat defiance with them all,and fo they,as much as in them is,flád for them that goabout to trauerfe their . inditement againf+ the Lordand all his faithfull Miniflers. The loue ofGod is not according to that whichmen haue of Dot.2.. outward things,but to that which they are in hart andbehauior. Many frowardmen are greatly in the world,& yet are al gently abhorredofhim:andmoflvpright men are ofthe meanerfort,& yet nothing the leffe in his fauor. And this is Dstuids meaning when he faith,YheLordwill try the righteous, but the wickedand Pfalm. t him that loueth iniquity doth hisfoule hate. The righteous are his gold,and therefore he will refine themvntill theybe perfeeily purged fromal droßè : yet he loueth them as wel in the fornace as in the treafury:but as for thevngodly,howfoeuer he feem to them,yet he dothnot like them:& though the might ofhis hand be not yet vpon them,yet the hatredofhis heart is flrong_ ly againíl them. The righteous hand before him in the merits andglorious Reafcns. righteoufneífeofIefus Chrih:he is his welbeloued fonne,and in Math3 i himhe is well pleafed with all his members:and the froward and wicked hand in their own impure andfilthy nature,harts,words and actions. Secondly,the righteous are his own obedient fonnes that doe 2" faithfully ferue him:and the froward are his rebellious enemie s that fight continually againíl him. Thirdly,he cannot look on the righteous,but he muff behold 3 the gratious workofhis owne hands in their new birth and fe- cond creation :but in the frowardhe feeth theworkofthe diuela whereby they aredepraued andmade mof+vile & ouglefome. Inftrudion,that wee conforme our felues to the example of vfe 1; K3 God