Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ere. ER: 7 andwas there more force in the fauor ofa mortall man to make himhonorable whom he bare no great affeóìion vnto,thá there is in the loue ofGodbeing fo tender and large tohis own chil- dren ? what then though they fhould be dealt with, as S.I mes fpeaketh,that in refpe& ofgold rings and goodlyapparel,which rich men prefent haue on, they fhould be put vnder thefoot- Iloole or thruft out at dores?yet let them know that God hath Iam.2.3.5 chofen there to be rich infaith,& heires ofthe kingdomwhich he hath promifed to them that louehim. What though they fhouldnot only be defpifed,but malignedofthem that be í}ron gerthan themfelues?yet Iet the not be difcouraged at theirpo- wer that are again{} then,but comforted in his goodprouidcce that is for them.Ifthis be true, that they 'be. Gods delight; then this wil be alto as true,that Godwill be their defence.Áhabwas an heauy friend to Micaiah, and profeffed his hatred towards him,and threatned mifchiefe to him :and yet Gods fauour pre- uailed more for his fafety,than Ahab.r_difpleafure coulddoe for 2.Chro13. his hurt. Veda i.Thoughband ioyne inhand,thewicked bevn- pun/ed,but thefeed ofthe righteous{hall efcape. THoughvngodly Men haue inany friends,& fuck as be migh ty:though they ioyne all their forces together to aide and defendone another,or all of them one,yet they{hall not beable to minifler any helpe or fuccour when the Lord taketh.them in hand to plague them.On the other fide, though righteousmen Teem tobe in great perill,andhaue fewer friends, and thofc allo poorc and feeble,yet they fhall go out and be deliuered,andnot only fo,but their childrenand po:derity allo (hall be preferued: fo that whereas many wrong wicked amen cannot deliuer one, one wcake godlyman (hall deliuermany. Vngodly men are nothing the better for all thefriends they Doa.r.. haue:their plotting together and combination is.of no force at all for their preferuation,but rather for their rúine.The Lord by the Prdphet doth deridingly challenge, and after afort dare the enemiesofthe Church to attempt anything againf+ his people