verf.I2. PROVERS. 73 would be tail into that miferable.and defperate torment at the Taft day.Therewas neuer fo great an arniy, as that will be are- probate men and angels,and ifany thing would make them to flriue,it wouldbe the damnable eílate whereunto they shall be adiudged then prefently to enter:but they (hall fenfibly fee and feele it tobebootleffe,and therfore theywill neuer attempt any fuchmatter. InftruáIion to vfe bettermeanes to befreed from punifhment Ilfe. r, and that is to take heed before howwe fall into finne. So did Iob prouide for his impunity, by preferuing his eyes, his heart, and Iob.3 t. his hands from lull and lewdnes, from violence &cruelty,from Idolatryandcouetoufneffe,and all fuchmisbehauiour,as might prouokc Gods wrath againíl him. And ifthat bepail, wehaue done fuch things already:runne not fromGod to friends for to faue vs:let vs not Peek the helpe of their hands, vnlefhe it be to be liftedvp withours inprayer, but runne to God by faithand holy humiliation,No other courfe wil fecure vs from iudgemas deferued;neither the multitude offriends, nor the meanes they canmake,nor their tender affec`lion towards vs, will preuaile to fuccour vs,ifwe fall into the hands ofthe liumg God.HHman in al mens iudgement was furelybackt,& fo were Baals Prophets, and yet committing fins ofdeath, they receiued the fentence of death,and felt the execution of death in the prefence ofthofe i,Kirgs i whom they moll depended upon. Admonition tobeware howwe take vpponvs the defenfe of finfull men tokeep them from fuchcorreéfion as is due to them; z for we loofe our labour ifwe feek to flay them from all punilh- ment:many by efcaping the parents rodde doe comevnder the Magiftrates whip,andmany by efcaping thewhip,doe come to the gallows,and manyby efcaping the gallows.tio fal into dam- nation : for they are depriued of thofe medicines which might hauewrought a cure in their foules. Andwhat doewe in this cafe but withfland the difcipline ofGodhimfelfe? Howwould the Magiflratetake it ifthe offendors whôhe is topunifh lhould be plucksawayand refcued out ofhis hands?donot they which make fuch attempts bring themfelues into the compalfeof the .fame faults which the malefa6oxs were to fuffex for ?whatfoeuer L the