Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

74 PROVERBS. Chap.' the others were condemned for,thefe haue now made themfelues accetrary vnto,tivhetbcr it be fellony or rrcafon,or any other pries uous offence:and yet it is a thing little feared of n;cn : they which haue neither mercy nor courage to deale in the caufe ofa podre oppretled innocent are ready and bold to protec`f and maintaine thofe,which are impious and firfc:ll, and walke in fuel] lewde and wicked waies as ate off`nfiue and atominable to God and n-an. How many are 'kept from their condigne punifhment by the countenance ofgreat mens cloath and feruice ? Howmany dce words and letters preuaite for ? how many are cleered by corrupt Iurors, who lay the guiltities of many foule and fearefull faults vpon their owne eonfeicoccs? rut the feed of the rihtectt5, &C. The he f't way For anyman to doe his children good, is to be godly hirnfelfc. He that fettcth hirntelfc to fcrue oy!,& to tack cuerlafling faluaticn,is rbufily oc- cupied in prouidiug for his polcrity : & that which hisfoule (hall fiord tobe moli comfortable to him,his feed fhaIl find to be molt profitable to thcrn.Thc fame fpirit of truth which here doth af- firmethis,dothin diners other places confirme it, as in the tween- .ao tithChapter ofthis booke : He that maIketb in his vprightneffeM ittl,and6leffed (hall hischildren beafter hiPn. He needeth not to lay that he himfelfe is b1efTcd, though he knew it to be fo, and fo liken ile meant it;for true iutIice is euer ioyned with true bletfeda nes:but to prooue the fulues of his owne happy eflate, he fhew- cth that it fhalt flow doer allo to his children. So is it fayd in the rIL L/. pfalmes both concerning himfelfe and his : Ecfjfed is the roan that feareththe Lord, and delrghtcrh greatly sn bit ecmmandcments.his feed(hall be might; vpon the earth . the generation of the ri&htectu firallbe 6lejTed. ons.I. pirfi he himfelle is become the Tonne of GOD, and lohis are Gods formes children,and then confider the abundant lauecum of earthly parents to the feede of their formes and daughters: Allda4 and Ephraim were as deerc to Jacob, as if hehad been their immediate parent, & fo were Ephraim, and lamíffes ch,il- 4g. dren to lofeph : thoough Naomi was but mother in law to Ruth, yet how acceptablewas Obed the forme ofRssth votoher?though Mofet was but the adopted Bonne of Pbaraoha daughter, though