Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Veyjiaz is PROVERBS. 7$' thoughof another nation, though of filch a nationwhom they held as bondfcruant.s,though ofapeople that was an abominati- on to himand his people,though fuch a people as he feared and fought to deliroy;yet Pharaoh loued him and preferred h,m,and fliewed all kindnes to him for his daughters fake, when the had taken him to be hers. SecondIy,a Chritlian parent is moll et and competent to deale with his children tobe feruiceabie to God : and to deale «itlt God to be merciful to hischildren:great is the force ofa father- ly admonition,whcn a godly Father admonifheth: and maruei- lous is the efficacyofa parentlike blcfling, when a holyparent cloth blefle the fruit of his body. So much doh 14c06 intimate Genf9.t to ofeph for his exceeding great comfort: The6/efngs'ofthyfa. there all be might, with the bleffingf tf my elders : vnto the endof the hils ofthe trorld,they(ha/1 be on the head of Iefeph. That pro - phane Efam,as wicked as hewas,did afire hiínfelfe that he fhold be the better for his father Ifaacksbleílit)g,if he could cbtaitte ir, and thereforewept for forrowwhen he went without ir. Thirdly,the childrenofreligious and faithful] parents are in- tituled to theprontfcs and blefiings of GOD both for foule and body,as appeareth in the holy recoâds,by that argument S.Peter perfwaded them to bcleeue, whole hearts were pricked at his docirinc:7Byars is thepromife made(faibh he) and toyour children, and toall thata:-e a farreof,euen as. m anyas the Lord our God rail Ads 1°39 call, And by t+fie like realon the feruants ofthe Lord who give themi lues to piety and mercy, are comforted notwithf}inding their great of i ions,and the florilhingBate of the wicked: The righteous is ever merciful' and Lena/till, and his feed ernoreth the rfalm 37,t 6/cff ig. A reproofe oftheir folio and foule impiety, that are fo Carte IVfe, i, deuotedunto their children,& carried with filch a delire ofrheir aduancement, that they cats offall deuotion towards God, and ;iegleci the good careof their owne faluation. They feare not to ta[l thcrnfelues deepe into hell,fo that they may rayfe vp their name and their houles high upon earth. And for this caufe they giueouerthcmfelues to miferableniggardlines and prnching,to burdenous vexationsand trauels,to Ihamefùll iniuffice and falfe- L 2 hood,