76 ROVERB S. C h.caod,to violent oppreffion and cruelty.They haue a good pen. niworth,as they think,and buy very chcap,when theycan gaine worldly wealth by lode of their heauenly happineffe :when they can purchafe liuings to their pofterity, by pal ing away the life oftheir foules.But hearken a little ye (illy wretched creatures :0 foolifh men whenwill you begin to learne wifedome?your thri uing is waftfulnes; your riling is falling; in purchafiitg you for. feit:inCemblance ofloue you prac`Iifc hatred : in Peeking to let vpyour feed by fuch vnlawfull courfes, you take the way to pluck them down,&vtterly tovndo them for euer.Noman but leroboá could euerhaue wrought fo muchmifchiefe to leroboams. family :andAhaband lezabelwere moll mortali enemies oftheir raceand linage:and Nebuchadnezzar prouided woeand mifery tohis ilfue that was yet vnborne when he died. And by what sneanes didallthefe perfons bring al this hurtvpon their feedìby relinduifhing religion and the true feruice ofGod: by exercifing tyranny againt+ the feruantsofGod, & greedy gettingofgoods . tomake diet/if-clues and their children great:that which in tan. ting.manner ischarged vpon one of theme is euery way verified .z ..ro. vponeuery oneof them,.flo,he that comet ethan ererllconetenefnefje tohis hoMfe,that he mayfir his nefl on hie, to efcape from thepower ofeteiIl,7hou haft coy/mired fhame to thine ,wnc bosife, by deftroying many people,and haft finnedagainfl thine oonefoule. Confolation to religious parents, whether they be ritch or poore:whethertheir children be deador liuing, whether the li- uingbegodlyor finfull : If they haue wealth, theymay hope it (hall be for the vfe of their tonnes or daughters : if not, that the al- sufficient Godwill prouide for them fufnciently withouttlieír helps or fubaance. Ifthey be dead, theyhaue great incourage ment to comfort themfelttes in the perfwafionof theirlaluation. If they line, though we fhnuld die and depart hence, yea and Italic them in afRiftions and difircf es,yet this comfort we haue, that as the mercyofGOD to our fettles was nota(fured vn.o vs for tearrne of life, but eternally for euerrnore : nomore is his, goodnes toours to ceafe withour life, or be determined at oar dcath...Poore lama Alephsb raerb had a Father lining, yea an e- crltuitig a.ther that appointed hire, to bewell prouided _:nand aaintat-