lrerf.l':. PROVERBS. 77 maintained,when good Ionathan that begot himwas Elaine and done. The godly poor Preph`t that left his wife Co far in debt, that neither ilie way able co fatiffiet,nor the creditor willingto be fatif'ed,withouttaking ofherfonnestobe his bondmen;yet had taken order beforehis death for thepaimentof debt, for li- berty ofCons,formaintenanceoffamily,namely bypoflcfhng the con Rant favour ofGod,which bothconueyed him toheauen,& remainedwith his houfhold here inearth.Ifthey fhould bewic- kedyet the Lordbath graceenough and power enough tomake themgood.It is without trouble or charge to himfelfe,or hurtto z,Krng 4. his creatures,and why fhould theynot then both carnally pray for ic,& conflantly wait for ithyhat if it benot wrought at firfi? yet it may heeffeaed at the lafl :and fo long astheyhaue a natu- rall life,fo longmay their friends hope for their euerlatling life. Jacobs Ions were not all godly the fiatyeere,nor in manyyeeres, andyet not without goodnes in their latter yeercs.And fo flood thecafewith Moiaffeh the forme ofEz,kosh, and manyother holy Chriflianso. Togodly children ofreligious parents, who betides the Elate they haue in thepromifes ofGod in regardoftheir owne faith- fulneffe haue alto a portion therein by right of their progcni- tours, and fo they haue a double portion, and may warrantably take doublecomfort,ifwithall they canyeeld toGod his double praifes.. It was a irong and mightyprayer that Jacobmade and full of afurance ofhearing,and happy fuccelfe, when he remembrcd that the Lord was theGodofhis father .flaraham,& theGodof his father Ifaac,and had pro+nifed todohimgood,and formerly performed it,andwould yet be more merciful! to him& his feed a ter him:it is not a trifle or matter of(mall confequence to bea- Oena z.9.r bie tritely to plead beforeGod ones own faith & integrity,and the pietyorgodlines oftheir father or mother,or others oftheir ance(lurso., L5. Vora