Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

73 PRO VER B S. Clap. I i Vrrfc 22. Af a jewel! efgold inaTwinesfr,otat.To isafayr woman that lacket h difcretion. th S a ring ofgold,or any other ornament, do not adorne, }Si but misbecome a (wine, no more cloth beauty, (}attire, ilrength,wit,3ppiirell, wealth or anyother external thing, btirg truepraife or commendation either to man or woman which wanteth truewifedome or vnderflanditig. ail-. I. SwineJr ;OHt, &C. God makcth no more reckoning offinfull people without vnder(}auding, then ofbruit beat}s without rea- (on.Though they haue humane nature,andcarry the formearid flaapeofmen &woré,with be(} Ihcw,yet if there be nothing in thembut that which ishumane,eucnflcthand blond andfinful. nes,no beauty,nor brauery,no perfonall excellency or artifcia11 additamenty,make the bet} oftbern, is more acceptable to him, than is the baCef} ofal the other creatures.It is averyhourlycom pariCon wherwith the holy Ghoft difgraceth wicked men in this book,and yet fo true,that he auoucheth it againe in thenew tcf- tament : Thedog is returned tohid tonevomit,axdthefow that was wafhed,to the waltotvinz in the mire. Prott.z6 z r . 2. Pet.2.22. And as in there places for impurity theyare likened to filthy be:afls:Co inothcrs,for hurtfulnctlethey are refembled to fierce and rene-,s. n'ous beAs,as Leopards,Lions,Wolues,Bcares,Dragoras,Afpes, Addcrs,Vipers,andCockatrices. Firf},all thofe crcatures,for their parts,haueeuer fince the be- e./ 0715J.- ginning oftheworld flood aAd continued in the flare wherein they were ñri made,& that deprivatioi which is in thenature of anyof them,proceeded not from themfelues, but from the fall of rnan,which hathnotonly deformed hinifdf,butdiflempercd curry thing about him: and the cane why they haue not know. ledge andvnderfianding,is,that they are not capable ofit : but wicked men are whollydegenerated from tbeiroriginall excel- lency, andhaue defaced the image of God in their owne foules. Theyhaue lot{ their ¡uf}ice and fallen to vnrighteoufnefrc :they aredcpriued of holines,and become prophanc : all foundvnder- {}anding