rel . :. PROVERISS. 79 (lending is cone,and nothing is in them but ignorance ofGods holy will,and ofthe [rifleryof faluation. And therefore ¡cremy faith,that c uery man is a bearby his owne knowledge. AndZe.. Ter"' t. phar in the book of lob proccedcth further, and lheweth what kind ofbeat he is moll like, Vaínemen, faith he, would beewife lob.I t.rZ. though man borne ( that is in his owne tftate not regenerate) is like a wildalecolt. Secondly, euerydumbe creatureaccording to hiskinde, per. 2 formeth the will ofGod withcutany ref (}ance.Whereas wicked men rebellioufly doe firiueagain their maker,and conternptu- oully tra ìCgre1fe his commandements. Thirdiy,the vile cllatc andmifcrablecondition ofgraceleffe men,how greatfoeuer,dotli make it appeare chat the Lord pre- ferre th themnot before contemptiblebealls,becauCe at the leafl their end will be as bad as the wor(1 oftheirs. And this Both God himfelfe declare in the PCalmcs; Like (het' p they lee in the:12'a,ic, Pfal,49.T4 deathdet.ouretb them. Man is in honor,andvmler flandeth or : he id like re deaf1 thatperifh.They lie in thdrgraucs as the carcafesof rotten íheep ina ditch, and death maketh a. pray bothoftheir foules andbodies,as crowcs and kites,and rauens,and dogs doe feedeupon carrions. Itil}rué ion not tofatiffieour (clues in this,that fpeec!i and reaîon,wego beyond all fifhes ,birds,bealls,andalcreepiag Ffe i. things,vnlcfl'c alíoby graueandCpirituall gifts,we gobeyond all v:acgencratc men. To acknowledgewith rhankrulnef e the great fauor & good- nes of God towards vs, when he bath tran(formed vs into the Rape of Cbri,1ians,and the image of his owne for), that we may be acceptable to him, Neither beauty,nor other outward gifts,doe anygood to the owners that are de(lituteofwifedorne. All ornaments can [tact Doa.2. make a bole to be comely,nomore then a (ìlken coat canmake an Ape tobe manly, or á fweet bath can make a blacke Mcore bcautifuhlfwifedombe wanttng,wémay truly fay withSalomon VanityofVanities,and all uvanity. Fir(l,theperfon of the man commendeth all outward things andonlygraceand wifedome make his perfon commendable. Reafirs ____ And