80 PROVERBS. Chdp.II And in this CenCe it is laid in thebookofEccleflalles,tl,at it is the wifedome ofa man that loth make his faceWhine. Nothing but cc1.8,t, found vnderflandingandholy behauiour can poffibly makeei_ ther man or woman to be eflimable, and worthy tobee looked on.tt is as truly to bee affirmedof one fexe as another, and no lelle ofone Gate thanofanother, that Poor is deceit, andbeat) ou Jr is vanity:bat aWot an thatfeareth ¡be Lord the (ball6epraifed. S:.condly,throughwant ofwifedome, the good gifts ofGod be defaced(as the fwine would not fpate to bring the jewel with her into a filthypuddle,or to wallow with it in the moll loath- Come mire and fo they are the lene efleemed in better men which arc worthily adorned with them. ' Thirdly,in thiscafe they peruert them vfually to thehurt ofo- 3 thers:as beauty ismade a fnare to entangle mens eyes and affe. &ions:wealth and power bee weapons ofopprefíion: witand policybe nets for fraude and deceit; fine fpeech and elocution becalls to allure men to-the hurt of their foules and eflare. And rou.2.6.9. the fame isverifiedofmany things which Salomon fpeaketh of one:As a thorne handing ap in the handofdrrsnk.grds: fo is apa. rable in themonth o f foeles.A drunken companion with a thorne, or goade in his hand, loth fometimes prickand piercehitnfelfe, and fomtimes hurt then that be fleece about him : and fo flan. deth the cafe with (inners that can fpeakewittily,andyet want a lober heart roguide their tongues chriflianly:theywound their owneGaules, and dcpraue good caufes, and fet a colour vpon finne, and much traduce the names of many blameleife per. fons. Fourthly,themfelues ofall othersare inmoll peril,and like to 4 receiue the greateft hurt by thefemanes. Pridebath a doore (let open to it for free acceffe to thehart,where there is any external( cxce'lency without internal! fanaity : And Shame bath a way prepared for it tofollow after,when they haue great things for many menseyes to looke vpon,and little difcretion tovfe and manage themNothing is more behouefuil for a foole than to bee obfcure in the darke, that his folly (name him nor in the light.Howmuch better had it been for Ablhalem, Achitophel, .41.doniiah,Tcroboam,and disbab,with others alike flare andbe-