hauiour,if they hadbeen deformed inbody, and wcák in capa- city,and means in condition,than to haue been fo confpicuous, andoffucktreat note,and now tobe Co contemptible,& of lush great infamy? Inarudion,thar. fithence wifedomeani grace do glue honor, and life,and good effed to all the inferior gifts ;c ofGod, which rfe.i are but tempnrary,andnot euerlaffing, that therefore before all the rea we íhould moi{ labour for wifedome and grace. If other things be already bellowedvpon vs,feeke toobtayne and increafe thefe heauenlyornaments,to giue a luifre to thenatural gifts wherewith theLord hash qualified vs,& to feafon our out- ward po{Teflions to our vie and comfort. Wifedome faith Salo- mon,u good frith ran inheritance,andexcellent to themwhich fee the Sunne.His meaning is not that wifedome is good to them only that haue inheritance?,butthat it is good,yeaneceffary for them which haue inheritances to get wifcdome that will make their po%(lions good,and that wil help then o-thegood vfeof their pofreffions.Andfo wifedome is good with arength,wifedome is goodwith wit,wifedom is good with gentry, wifedome is good withdignity,and wifedome is good withbeauty.It doubleth the greatnes and value ofeuery goodblefling that God beffoweth. Daaids victories and powerbe renowmed by wifedome. Salo. mowglorious kingdoms is made memorableby wifedome :and fo is the profperity oflob,and Abraham : and Co is theadvance- ment of lofepb and Daniel; and fo is the beauty ofHeller, and Sara. Reproofeofthem that beafrayde of nothing fo much aso( pre, graceand heauenly wifedome, becaufe it will crotTe their pride and fenfual luf}s,It will forbid the nice damesthat make idols of their owne bodies to bellow fo much time in tricking vp them- felues,withpranking and painting:and therefore they haue no more delire to receiue godlineffe, than to depart with beauty. They are as willing that the (mall pockes fhould deforme their faire faces,as the word ofGod thould informeand cleanfc their foule confcienccs. M Verf.