RQVERB S. VeìCe 2 3.7bedefire ofthe righteomi id only good, l rat the hope of thewicked is indignation. VjEmull bewarehere that we iuflifienotai thewi(hes and V deìres tobegood,which righteous men conceiue,ror condemne all to be vnrighteous whichconceive anywifies and delires that be not good:for then fhould Davidbe excludedout of the number ofthe righteous,or ellehis delire of havingBatk- fheba,or wifhing to know thenumber of the people fhould be al. lowed.But he vnderf andeth themaine firearne oftheir delires, the courfe and current oftheir hearts is to godlinefTeand good- netfe,though fometimes they corrupt nature in thenifelues, and the rempef+ueus temptations of Satan doe violently drive their thoughts another way;which is wholly contrary in the wicked. For they delirenothing but mifchiefe and euill, and therefore in the end they (hall recciuc nothing but tnifery and punifliment, whichwill be fogreat and lb grieuous, as will make them raue and rage with madnes and fury, e(pecially becaule they looked fora better flare. Thus then flandeth the oppoltion : the delire of the righteous is only good, and therefore their hope (hall end in confolation : but the delire of the wicked is only euill, and therefore their hope (hall end in indignation. Godly men aremoll de1rous to pleafeGod, andGod loth as gratioullyacceptof their dcfires in the bellmanner. They arenot willing toallow a thought in thenfeluethatshouldnot be lawfull,andhe is not willing to looke vpon,orfpeakeoftheir vnlawíull thoughts.Though diuers things be many times amifle in their minds,and in their mouthes,and in rheirdeeds,yet there is faithfulnes,and thereforehe paifeth by their faulrs.Sohe tefli- .1ings 14 8 fiethofDauid,that he kept his commandements, an followed himwith all his heartland did only that which was right in his eyes. And fo he teflilieth ofall thegodly Ifraelites in thebooke of urab.:3.ii, Numbers:Iefeethnone iniquity in Jacob, nor any trapgrefon sn hrael,And fo he tofifîethofall vpright hearted peoplewhom- foe=