rerc.23. ROVERBS. 8 foeuer in thePfalrnes.Sisre y:beyworkeHula ínigssíty, bit wale rn pfalm.'z9 bcswales. ,Firfl,he imputeth that to eueryman,and counteth it his which Reafons.i proceedeth from the predominant power in him.In the regene- ratenothing is theirs but their fruir, and nothing is their finite, but theworke ofthefpirit,And Co though the vnregenerate doe many good things,yet nothing is theirs but the fruit, andno- thing is their fruit,but that which groweth from the flefh. Secondly,he feeth the force and violenceoforiginall corrupti on,how it affaulteth them,how it woundeth rhetn,how it taketh them captiues againll their willes, and therefore rather pitieth thetn,than accufeth them. And hence it is that S.Pasil by good warrant,for example to all other goodChriflians,dothonce and winedifclaime all that euill from being his which he was vn- willitsgly drawne vnto.lf 1 do that which I n'onld not : Iconfent to the lawwhich isgood. Now then it c no more I that do it, brit (hi that dwclletbin nse,Rom.7.z6.2o. Thirdly;heknoweth that theywill purfue their own (inmul ac- tions,aiad thoughts with hue and crie: and ifanydelire breake out from them that is not good,theywilt-endout manyothers of ter it,for humiliation, andpardon, and purgingoftheir hearts. And therefore lince themfelues be fo ready tocomplaine to him he will be (paringofcomplaintsagainfl them. Confolation to the poore innocent feruants ofGod who yet I. are defamedwith all kind of falfe accufations. They are called hypocrices,heretickes, rebels, traytors, and all that naught is. Dassid was fo charged by Said& his courtiers:Paul was Co char- gedby the tnalitious Iewes : the godly Iewes fo charged by Ha. man:Chrifl himfelfe was focharged by thePrieíls, Scribcs, and Püarifes:all good men mull Tooke to be fo chargedby ail forts of(inners.Weli it is for them that their hearts can witneire that their delires areonlygood,and bettet that theLord Teeth it,and befl ofall that theyhaueCuch a God aswill openly publi(h it. If he knew as much by vs as the wicked fayagainfl vs,or wold re- fute to refifie that he knoweth for vs, as euery one ofvs were more righteous,fo fhould he be ofall others mot#ignominious, For nocreture thatcover Godmade(thediuel not excepted)isfo M 2 much