Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

4 ROVERBS. Cap.ti much fpoken againl},asgood menare,ncither any fo bad a name as they, if theviolent tongues of malicious perlons maymake a goodmans name tobe bad.lf reticence (hold patTe vpon thegod. ly at the tail day, according to the verdict of them that are not friendsor parties,wefhould be all cats, and condemned, not one man wouldbeacquited. But here is an helpe againii all thefe furmiCes ofpurpofes within,and accufations ofbehauiour with - out:let appeale bemade ro him that behoideth all, and hee will cicare the righteous from all thefe imputations. This brought lob to Cpea'ke fo confidently of his caufe : Oh that 1hadfume to Beare me:beholdmy ,Fgne that the Almighty will :ritnes for wee: ár,35, thoA1 h mine aduerfsrie fhould write a boo(e again¡', me. This brought Dauid with (-Lich alliance to repole himtelfe vronGod: aim 7.8. ludemeLord accordingtomy rghteoufne e, andaccording to the innocency that is inme.And this brought Ífaiah tovfe filch liberty and boldnes in challenginghis quarrellous enemies.He isiseere that iarflifieth me:who willcontend with me ?Let vsfand together: at 50.8.9 who ás mineaduerfarie?Let him come neere to me, Behold theLord Trillhelfe me:mho is he that can condemrie me ? And yet this is not all the comfort that a iul} manhath,though it begreat,but is in. creaCedby the tetaimony which God giueth of their defires,that feeingthey are good,they (hall eaílybe granted, and feeing he taketh noticeofno more thenof thole whichare good,their o- ther infirmities înall be no impediment. And therefore ifthey askeeuerlaf}ing life, why (hould they make quel}ion whether they (hall haueit?If they feckCpiritual! graces at his hands,what fbould hinder the finding ofthem ? Ifthey crane the good bief- fings for themieluesand theirs, for greater experience of his fa. uour in things ofthis life,whatfhould f}aythem from connming Whenhis iuílicepronounceth their deliires tobe good, wil not his goodnes be ready to fulfill them,efpeciatly his truth hauing falno.145.T9 promifed the performance thereof? s Terror for vngodly men whichhaue many finfull defiresin their hearts againl} Godsglory,and feruices,and people. Their fouleswith nothingCerioutly, but that which Godhat th, and godly men feare and prayagain(T.Ltberty for lewdnefiiethey de. fireas life, & thole that like not of wicked wales they abhorre as