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yerf.24. PROVERBS. 85' as much as death.lsiothing plealeth them fo well as to heareof the finnes or forrowes of profefl'ors, and nothing grieueth them fo much as to here that wicked perfons are either reclai- med from their ditlolurebehauiour,or punifhed for their fhame- full offences.Surely thefemen arenot righteous, their dcfires are not good,and therfore whatfoeuer isin thern,or commeth from them is euiil, anddifpleafing to God, and dangerous, &dam nableto their ownefoulcs.As touching the other claufe,for the euent ofwicked m°nshopes,,fee the feconddoetrin ofthe tenth chapter, and the f r is doctrine of the eighteenth verfe of this chapter. Verle 24.7here is that fcattereth, and is more increa/ed : he he thatfparethmore then right,commethfnre/7 toporserty. i Iey that di fperle theirgoods, this way and that, bellowing 1. themvpon Cuch as are in want and neceflity, or otherwife imploying them for the publike benefit ofmany, they that are ready and willing to part with their goods or moray, for the re- liefe offilch as are in want or neceffìty,or to any other good vies are laid to fcatter them : and filch take thebell courCe to increaCe them,as fowingofcorne is a meanes to helpe a man more and more. And this he dcliuererh with great wifdome and warmes, fay ing,that Corne aremore increafed&not all :for many fcatter vpon dice,and cardeE,and dogges, and whores, and fuch like, & they may look to be f}ript ofall the refi, rather than to adde to that which they hane.On the other fide he thatkeepeth in that which he ought to lay out,and fpareth that which duety requireth him to Cpeud,doth play the euil hul'band for the impoucrifhingofhis owne elate. ma. Y. Tine liberality and mercy is not an hurt,but a furtherance to mens eflates.Neuer any manwas madethe poorer by onepenny forgiuingofmany,in duemanner,but diners haue been the richer The fame rule holdeth in this cafe, as in all other the good gifts ofGod,that the good vfageofthem doth vfually bring an aug- mentation ofthem. So it is to be found in learning and know- M ledge