86 PROVERBS. CkapIT' ledge,and in what good thing it is not Co to be found ? we neede not traueil farre for proofe ofour point in hand, but onlcy flap over to the next verfe following, and there we (hall haue a con. flrmationof the fame.There we flail fee that they which feede others (hall be fat themCelues (for fo is the Clate) and theywhich are as good fprings to fendout f}reames,fhal have fuchCupply,as that they (ha! not be dried vp, but beas well able to flow at the euening,as they were in themorning,and tomorrow as much as to day,and the next yearcno le&Te than in this. afons Is Firf},they have thepromifc ofblefling from Godwhich ins. ploy their fub(lance to the glory ofGod, atad the benefit ofhis ou.3 .ro.` poore fcruants which are inwant.Honer the Lord, faith hee,trith thy riches ,ansd thechiefeofall thine i tcreale r SoPali thydames bee filledwitha6undance,and thyprefer (hall burgwith new wine. And theApofileS.Paalgiueth as large an encouragement to the Co. rinthians in thenew TePamcnt. Hee that miniffrethfeedetothe hro.9.10, fower,will mini //er lskewi febread forfood, andmultip l yowrfed, dr increafe thefruits ofyeAtr beneuolence. No field is more fertile to tow in,then thepoor membersofIefus Chrifl:no feed is better thenmercy,andChritian liberality, noweather or watering is morefeafonable then Gods bleflìng:nocrop ofcorne is fo cow. modiousand profitableas is the reward whichGodgiuech both to foule andbody. Mercifull men procure pralles toGod to be plentifully off:. red,and praiers for themCelues for all good happineffe : & there- fore how can theybut thriuc and pro6periThat realon loth Paul preffe inmanywords totheCorinths,that theymight knowthat their liberalitywas not in vaine.Hewil increafe the fruitsofyour beneuolence,thatin euery fort yea ma> be made rich mall gibe. rality,whichcaufeth throughvs,thankfgiuing to God,2.Cor.9. z r,Hedwel /cth vpon theargurnent,and vrgeth it in cuery verle to the endofthe chapter. Thirdly,the mercy ofGod towards other ofhis people which are in need,dothoften caufe mercifull men themore toabound in riches.Sincetheir delire is tobe helpersoftheir afflic`led bre- t-hren,their power flail (crue to performe it:and lince they haue begun it fowell already,they (hall be able to doe it betterhere- after,