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Veyf,24. PROVERBS. 87 After. And (or this caule they are promifed all frifficìencyinall thingy,ehat theymay abound in euery good worke.As it is writ- ten, He hashfparfed abroad andgoon to the poor: : his 6eneuo. lencerematneth foreater.2.Cor.9.8.9.He fheweth by the teflimo. ny of the Pfalme,that their communicating to the poore didnot bring them to pouerty,that they (lìould becompelled to giuevp. giuing, but did cílablifh their fate, thatthey might continue their beneuolence as longas theyhued : for fo much doth ester teem to import in this place. In(itution,to flriue againfl infidelity whichhindreth mens hearts from the cheerfulnes of mercy, and flaieth their hands from many good contributions,andkeepeth themwholly from thecserciCe ofliberality.They lofe by thefemeanes theoportu- nityofmuch gaine, they debarre themfclues from that plenty which theymight enioy.Theywill not recciue fo much good as Godwill affoord them,becaufe their hartswill not afford them leaue to beleeue, that there is fo good a reward prouided for them thatat%rd rebefe ro poore Chriflians. The holy Ghoft in thebookc ofEcclefiafles affureth vs that nothing is loll that is bellowed in goodnes. He willcthmen tocii their breadnon the Eccicf.r1.r2. waters and after many daies, they (ball findit againe. It is a kindof proucrbiall fpeech with vs,for fruitlellecharges, to fay,t might as well haue thrown my mony down the riuer. But in this cafe though we kern to throw ourmony,or foode, into the riuer,or fca it felfe, we (hall haue it reflored with aduanrage, yea, and` when we thinke all is forgotten. And therefore he proceedeth to incourage men that they fhould lay about them, and not fpare,in the exercilc ofliberality.Gine(faith he)to fetden,and alfo to eiáht.Beflowvpon many,andwhen thouhaft done that,makc not anend, bur glue to.rnore than thou dtdfl before. As ifhee mouldhaue faid,bcflow as much feed as thou hall land to lay it on :anal get as much land as thou haft feed to low it with.But infidelity can holdno longer in hearing this, but out comrneth her worthy quciuion : How í1,a11 I Hue my Idle hereafter, if I giucaway all now?who knowethwhat hard timesbe conning? Now he (loppeth hermouthwith retortion ofhcr owne reafon. No man knoweth what euill daies may come,and thcrfore wife-- dome.. ¢-