Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

VERBS. C 1.1I domwould that we fhouldnukeprouifion for our felues before hand.Andnothing is Curer laid vp,than that which is charitably laydoutithat will ferne for a deerc ycere, anda rainy day, as We are wont to fpeake in our prouerb. Reproofeofthe folly ofmiferable niggards, who being gree. dyofgetting more,know not how to vfe that which they haue, and therefore take the way to confumeall. Theonehalte ofour Text is a threatning again[1 them, and all the reafons which did confirme the goodeftateofliberall perfons,do as much eon clud the hard cafeofpinching neeremifers,by the contrary.Theyput their Talent tono good vie, and therefore may daily looke to haue it taken away from them. They intirle thernfelues to the threatnings and curiesofthe law, and therforecannot avoid the iudgements,whereofche ftroake ofpouerty andneedines is one among others.Sighes & complaints go vp to God again(} them, but fewpraíers,and no thankfgiuing at all for them.Their bene- uolence andgoodnes,doth not f}and the poore Saints in fuch flead,as that theLord for theirfakes fhould commit anypart of his fubftance to their hands,orleaue thatwith them, which they haue fingred already. Verte z 5. The Mendfoule fäaü tvitxefat, andbee thatgiuuetb plentifully {hallpureforth. THefe words haucaffinitywith the former part ofthe verfe next before,and are ioyned to it partly in way ofcxplicari- on,and partly in wayofilluaration.And therfore fir(+he flieweth who obtaine that bleflîng toincreafe byfcattering,& that isthey whole liberalitybeginneth at their hearts:and then he declareth the profperous fucceffe thereofby a fimilitude fromwe!-fprings which receiue as much water inwardly, as they fend foorthour- wardly,which,ifthey fhould faile ofiffue,would alto faile offul- nes,thewaters diuerting their courle fomeother way,wherethey might haue better paitage, or elfe infufing themfelues in the earth,andmouldof theadiacent places roundabout,and fomake a quagmire. The fame comparifon Both Ifaiahvfe for the fame 1,5 ;II. purpofe : The LordMallfatieñc tbj foulecontinual/yindrought, and