Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

andmakefat thy boner:and thoufhalt be likea watredgarden,and likea (Jríng,of water,,whofewatersfaile not. 'He- that expeOeth còmfort for foundmercy, muff not onlie DOEI. apply his hand,but his foule to the exercifeofwell doing.That in the feate oflone, which giueth life to all good äeions, and without which in regard of themfelues, it is as good neuer a whit, as neuer the better. For though a man fhould feedthe r.Cor.13.5 Poore withall hisgoods,aadhaue not loue,it profiteth him nothing. £faias conditioneth with them' who would haue the Lord topoure forthhis mercies and bleffings vpon them, that they fhouldnot only pout-6 out their foode and vi6uals, but their foules álfo to the hungrie.Ifa. Firf1,. there is requireda needfull-workeof the foule in this Reafons r feruice, and that is wifdoine and difcretion. So is a merciful' man commended in the hfalmes Agoodman is mercifull and Pfa1.Ii z.. lendeth,audwill meafurehis af fairesby iudgement.And fo is a li- berall man defcriecrby the. Prophet Efaiás, That he willdeuife Ifai. 8. of liberall things. He wil meditate where his gifts may beff be placed:what is fitteff toilegiuen:how much is meet for him to contribute:in what miner hefhould performe it. Secondly,compaflion muff be ioyned with it,that thehelper, 2 and the partyholpen; may mutually communicate their cafes each with other : he that is inprofperitie bearing a part ofhis brothersburthen,and he-that is in aduerfitie receiuing aporti- onofhis neighbours blefings. This could Job trulie teffifie of hinifelfe,that hevied tozveepe for them thatwere in trouble, and Iob,33, IS hisfoulewas inheauineffefor thepoore. Thirdlie,,it muff be feafonedwith cheerefulneffe, that it may 3 lxe more comfortable toman that (hall receiue it, and likewife more acceptableto God that willreward it. Hereof doth the Apoffle admonifh the Corinthians to an efpeciall regard, fay- ing;As euery manwifheth inhis heart fo let him giue,notgrudg- z. Cor 9.7. inglie,nor ofnecefty,for God loueth a cheerefullgiuer. Reproot ofthem whole foules haue neuer any dealing indo- Yfe. i. ing ofgood,vnleffe it be to peruertall withPharifaicall hypo - crifie and vaine glorie. They giuehand ouer head to tagge and ragge,without difference ofanie;except they (hut outthebell, N and r