Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

97 RÖVERB S. C and bellow on theworil,frowning on diem thatare theMott. honeil,& feeding Ofthem that ofall othersare themopc worthy.Theycontribute'to good ides with no 'e#féli#fteul- ty,then ifadiílreffe ofa fine or ainercement were tobe extor tedfrom them.Commiferation &pity aremeet ftrangers vn:. to theiia, their heart shaue no-acquaintaince'át all with them. ConfolatiQiuopóoremen, that they arenQt.exchided itó' thegrace &bleffednes ofbeingmercifull,thoúgh theyattain not tothe cUate & abilitie ofbeing wealthie. Mercy is not placedwithmolly in thepurfe, but dwellethwithloue and kindneffe in the heart. He that canMournewith fuckas doe mourne,he that canpray for them that be in diflre fe,hethat can any way fcek tocomfort theaffli&ed,maytrulybefaid to haue a fouleofbleffing, & is ofGodhimfelfe efteemedmer- cifull. The fucceffe which mercifull men fhall findefor their owne eflate,hath been alreadydeclared in the formerverfe, and therefore in this maybepaffedouer. Verle.a6.13e thatwithdraweth corne,thepeoplewillcurfehim: Mat blefn&(hallbe vpon theheadofhim thatfelleth corne. T is not vnlawfull tokeep in corn,as lof-eph did in the time I ofplenty to beprouided againft fcarcity and dearth : but whenwe may (pare ir, & others need it, then towithold the felling therofinhope to raife theprice, this tendeth to a có- mon hurt,& therforewill caufc a commoncomplaint ofthe people againfl vs. But on the other fde,bleflìng (hall be on> his head that felleth corne, he (hall not onlyhaue the good teflimony&praiers ofinen beneath,but thebidingofGod himfelfe from aboue defcend vpon him.' Prouided thathis heart be vpright therein, not fo much refpecIing the price in felfe-loue, as the profiting, ofhis brother in Chriflian chari- ty : and that he vfe all other due circumfiances accordingly. As to fell that uhick is goodat a reafonable rate,&perform kin due feafon,,and fullmeafuréand fuchlike They are after a fort publique enemies ofthe tòruntry,that procure or feek for adearth.The Lord wouldhauevs to cool -