7 ` leaand decmewhat harme theydoby the effe&s thatenfue therupon.The exclamationand outcrie,not ofoneperfon,or familie,but ofthemultitudeofthepeople,doth intend in this cafe fome grieuance among them. Scarcity offood is one of themolt grieuous iudgements,wherwith the Lord is wót to plaguea nati6,& how can we then take them for our friends, which wifhfogrieuous apunifhment?Salomöbypraier made' `Reg'8.38. away for the praiers both ofthewhole people,& the particu- lar friends & members therof, to come toGodfor remouall offuck a mifery;then what are they tobe accoúted that fend forth del rs,&put forthendeauors to call forit,andbring it ? Firft they are heauy aduerfaries ofthe poore, andpraól ife to Reafoxr,T. addeforrow to them that are already in forrow. The greatefi weightofthis burthen is like to lightvpó their backs,becaufe they are leftprouidedofarmour to keepe it off. An example therofis tobe feen in the prophecie ofAmos,where the felfe- fame effect iswrought by the felfe fame meanes whichwe are now in handwith:Hear this,Oye thatfwallowvp thepoore,that Amos.8.4 yemay make theneedyofthead tofail,pying,when willthenew Moonebegone that we mayfellcorne,ekthe Sabboth, that wemay fetforthwheat,&make the Epha fmall,and thefhekellgreat,and falfifie theweightsby deceit?& buy thepooreforfiluer,6- thenee- dieforfhooe: ;yea 6.fellthe refute ofthe wheat. They had long kept vp the corne for this purpofe tohaue it grow deare, and now the time ferued the turne,and it muff be opened in all the haft,theythought thedales ofthe Lords ownferuice too long, vntill they were at it.And now woto thepoore,for theplot is laid toprey vpon them.They (hall buy the refufedeare,which is littleworth, and fell themfelues cheape topayfor it. Secondly,theyare pernicious tomenofall forts& conditi- onssvnleffe it be afewof thofe fewwhichhaue corne to fell. And to this point let themfpeake which can fpeakeby expe- rience,& experiéce hath taught,not long fithen ce, the greater number ofhoufekeepers,as the higher theprices ofcornedoe rife,the lower theftates'offamilies fall.And the fellers ofvic- tuals do the more fil their purfes withmnony,the le% thepoor feruants fill their bellies withmeat.Aske the traueller,by the Na way;