-I VrY2Cï3 way,aske the labourer in the country:afke the tradefinen in the towne;ask thecommon fort,yeaalmoft any fort ofinhabitants in the citie, & which ofall thefewill fay, or truly may fay, it is noburthen to vs that things are no cheaper ? Agreat part of their care is tomake prouiflon for houfhold, a great part of their labour is fwallowed vp inprouifion : a great part of time is too little for their labour. So that their care is more,their la.. bour greater, their commonsfhorter, andRate muchweaker. Many be reftrained from doing further good : many be com- pelled to leffen former familie : manic thereby bebrought to manifold inconueniences,more then weexpreffe or thinke of. 1. Reproofeofall that affeafuch a inifchiefe,liuing in hope,for their ownprivate lucre,that fo great an hurt will grow to the publike ítateof the land :but fpeciallyoffuch as take the way, and vfe the meanes toeffect this euil,& to draw upon it fuch a iudgement.And ofthis fort are they which praddife that which is here declared tobe a noyfome fin, namelie to ftore vp their corne that no manThal haue any benefit by it,whiles there is a- nygood fubftance in it. They are much more kinde hearted to Rats,Mice,andWetls,then they are to their brethren: for they (hall haue all freelie giuen them for nothing, and wen cannot buy any ofit for their mony. And thereforewhat can they fay for themfelues why they fhould not be as muchliable to the wo & curfewhichS.Iames dothdenounce, as tholewhofe o. ther riches were corrupt :whofe garments were moth-eaten for want ofwearing : whofe gold& fluer was canckred and ruftie for want ofvfage?But worfe are they whichnot onlyhoordvp their own corne, that it íhall neuer come forth feafonably to preuent a dearth:but ingroffe other mens alfo for the fainepur. pofe,that theymaymake their gaine thereofto the detriment andhurt ofmany others.But ofal others,worft are theywhich not only keep back corn from the market,but from the barne: not from fale,but from fowin g : which refute toyeeld tillage & feed to the ground : whichyet further,byforce,or fraud,ex- tort theground fromother men that theyfhall neither till nor low it.Thefe dryvp the fprings oftheMarket,that the l+rearnes ofplenty thouldbereftraincd from flowing to it :thefebring a curfe