vet. e.26, PROVERBS. 93 curie upon the earth, and make. itbarren in cornpärifonofthe /rail,.,, fiore it was wont to yeelde. Thefelabour for depopulation of houles and townes,and fields andpeople Confòlation to them that bringan vpright heart to felling, 2 though they cannot be fo large ingiuing:therein theydo afer- uice to God ; therein theyperformeawórke.ofloue to their neighbours:and therefore they (hall laebetter Gods hand then at the buyers:and hispaywillhbe better-ingrace and goodneffe, then the other canbe in goldandfiluer. Thepeoplewill curfehim,ec.It is a grieu.ous plague to bepur- fued iuflliewith the cries and clamours ofthepeiple.Trtte it is that Ieremieandothers; of the moll faithfünfer-uants-OfGod Teri hauebeen fpoken euill of, and cùrfedby the rnultitudedindfo Prou,z6.z it is truethat as the fparrow by fling, and i thefwallowhyping e- fcape,fo thecurfe that is caufleffe(hall not come. And it is moll true,theywhommenreuile andperfecute,and fayall:tnaner of euili for Chrifl his fake falfelie,arebleffed:ßut this. isálfo'verie true,that tobefpokenagainfl for fins fake,trùhe `vs not'amat- ter ofbleffedneffe butrniferie:the wings ofamansnatne andre- putationwill be clipt fo (hort chat it (hall not auoid the flroke and fhot ofa curfe,ifit be dulie caufed.ln this fame manner are hurtfull men threatned,which fiatter,or countenance,or beare out wicked perfons in their f rifull courfes.He thatfaieth to the wicked, thouart righteous, him(hallthe people curfe and the mul titude(hall abhor him.Pro.24.24. Firf}, ifa good name be a thingmoll defireable, and a treafure Rea'ons, to bepreferred before goldand filucr,and otherprecious com- modities, then it mull needs be that an euill name,and infamie is a thing very lóathfome, andworfe then the loffe of anie earthlie thing, yea thenverie needines andbeggerie. Secondly, they which by their owne defert haue furredvp complaints againflthemfelues,are not onlie finitten with the breath ofmans mouth, but with the firokeofGods hand. Hee purpofeth it in his coiinfell: he threatneth it in his word;he ef- feð it in his prouidence; he hearkneth thereunto,inpitieto them that be oppreffed : and in anger,againfl them thatare op- pre%rs,Neither is this the cafe ofviolent menalone and fuch N3 aS.