.R: ERE S. apI is as heare euill for hard dcz ing,bùt ofal forts offinnerswhich bletnifh themfelueswitKa..ny kind.ofmisbehauiour. Reprehenfi6 ofimpudent perfons which hauehardned their faces,that they canotblufb,or beafhamednor defift frô their fhamefull mifdemca ers,howfoeuer theyare thought of,or -fpokenagainf}. -lfthey.be exl?osr fttó anygood dutywhich carriethno credit aria;=fetch 3.s,are cari1all,or difwaded from 'any euill cufiome vuhich'carrietli no difgrace amóg the that are finful,their prefetanftver is,What will mefay?But let thé hear that theirprideorvnthriftines,or couetoufnes,or vncö- ftancy,or faithlefüèsin couenäts,&c.ts much cenfured,many take great exceptiós' agaiñfl .thetn,they fhift their häds &goe quiteonthe other fide:Say al what they will,I carenot for it: better men then Ihauebin fpoke againft,Chrifl himfelfe had fcarce a good word ofthemoil. But the quefti6 is not how good men haue bindealt with, buthow theydeferued to be dealtwith.True it is &we cúfes it that many refufedto fpeak goodwords ofChrift:but did Chrifl euer prouoke the to it, by euil deeds to the?But words(fay they)are wind,& reports awóder for nine daies.But their crimes,fay we,are more then wind,& their guiltines veil not be blown away in nine thou- fandyeeres.That which men fpeake trulyagainfl them,God will charge more fully vp6 themat the laft day : &his words will be as fire, & his fentencewill not vanifh away at all,but continue to their fhame and torment for euer. Verfe.zy.He that diligently feekethgood,fhallgetfaa1ossr:bot he thatfee%eth euill, stfliall come tohim. HE that feeketh carefullywith anvpright heart tobenefit thofe among whomhe liueth in anygoodmanner,ta- keth the beft way towin the hearts ofthe people and is like tohaue the hearts ofgood menknit vntohim, and certaine toobtaine and inioyGods fauour and louing kindneffe.And he that plotteth, or pra6ifethmifchiefe againft others, ofall others fhall be moll hurt therebyhimfelfe. He that would bewell thought of, mutt not onlywifhwell but indeuor todo good tohis brethré.To bear good affe6ii6 to ocr.