Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Vere.27. PROVERBS. 9S` to má.kind,butefpecially to GodsChitxch &people is athing pleating toGo:d,&godlyMen; btlt then feetrot-theaffe&ió to be good,further the' it is-rna iifeiteti byiff-e si&SOD feeth' that affediónot tobcgood,whichitvoidofaworkingvigor & fruitfulnes.By what fleps-did Nehemia afcendto thateft i- rfation which is hadofhimin the Church, in the Scriptures &in Gods own prefeneé(n0w5-inheauenate yrqù red ofthe {late ofhis brethren,he mournedfor them,he failedfor them he praied toGodfor them,he fpake to the king for them,hee vndertoókeaiourney for thém,hewasinelaii.ñgered;he was reproached,he was traduced& all for their fakes-Andthere- fore it was an effe&uall petitionwhichhe offered to GO I): RemembermeOmyGod ingood a ;ictórdiNg taall that lârtue Nehen, St doseforthis peopïle How cat Oiaefzphorus t.o bye}'fo:deére to.. Paul,& fo muchbeloued ofGodhimfelf,who hathregiflrred his name in aneuerlaflingrecord, euenin loiis ownholy fcrip- tures?bythewing-him feifckhia, &boid,$tibounti£t lltel.* Apoflle.He'did not only define thrs 1qulfnglítdovvell,ittt:sz.Tirn.t.ió took the pains:tocointoRome & therealfolvifitecthim n the prifô,&foprouided,thatby:hismeans,bemight do thé better,: Firflit is the nature ofloueto expreffeitfelfbyteflimonies of beneficence & goodnes,For it is not a loue in truth if it be. Rea ens.. not in deed,afwell as inwordançítongue.:.Ioh;3;18.. Secondiy,there is no fnceritiewhere is no exoi ife ofWell doing, & therefore it will do. nomoregood to oiûr fehies to thinke,or fay we delire well to themwhomwe fet our felues, noway to do good vnto, then it .doth to an hungryperf. to; bid himeat,& giue himnomeat,or to one that is cold,towiíh iam.z tç, himwarmth, and. ininiflértohimneither fire nor, clonthing.. Reproofof thcthat take acontrary courfe to. get lóue&good liking. As for Gods fauor they either count it tobe fo little worth,as they regard it not at al,but thinke the left wel doing F'fë. too great:a price for it; or els tobe fo commó& ordinary,as that it witbe foildwithoutfeeking:or elsfuch,an.excell Gy, to be in there olues;as:that. God: cán.Qtbut'trake çlelight-in tllerii howfocuer.he-be difpofed tòwardsothers:Andfor016. e- &iâs &good opinion, they hope to eáficr meanes